Bob Funch

It's all the animal skins and being heffed around by Hodor with his giant pheromones what got Bran all big and strapping-like.

I've had the TV planted on SyFy since The Expanse, Childhood's End, and now the Twilight Zone Marathon. My Tolerability Index is barely putting up with the commercial for SyFy's upcoming show The Magicians. Ugh! Cut a new one people. And I mean that in either interpretation.

I was using this site as a guide while watching this weekend. Looks like they flipped it with Leather Jackets … ? Night Call was really creepy.

Wow. This was my first time with Night Call. This concept could still work. (You built the cell tower on a cemetery! But you didn't move the bodies!!) 20 minutes of white knuckle stuff then a minute of jumbled info dump. Still, really spooky. 'Shot right into my top 10. Makes me wonder when the first use of

Just watched this on the 2015 SyFy Marathon. I like it less now. But that only comes at the expense of seeing other Twilight Zone episodes in close proximity. And finding many of these of higher caliber than "…Color me Black."

I would have liked to have seen both Luke and Leia chubby, old, slightly green in complexion, and growing Yoda ears. That way Han could be like, "Wow, they're getting bigger." And Leia would say, "I know. It's embarrassing. Who knew? I was adopted. I mean, it's not my fault."

"Greetings Space Travelers, I am the fifth reincarnation of the Profit Tom Cruise. It's open mike night here at Chuckles on Ceres Station … "

Wait, this is a recycled article from a year ago!

C'mon. Three Monks in a Truck. Right there moves the needle from C- to … C+ … ? Right?
It's potentially a spin-off into its own show.

Maybe these guys are scribbling notes while the show's running. They should take an extra hour or so and watch each episode twice before writing the review. Maybe that's not possible. Shrug.

Instead of Mormons they should have used Scientologists. But then SyFy would have gotten sued. Unless SyFy is run by Scientologists and the show's use of Mormons is their subtle dig at the competition. Anyhoo, in retrospect, Mormons make perfect sense. It's like The Book of Mormon stage show was added to the

Maybe cut and paste this over to the spoiler space thread. Just sayin' maybe.

It would be interesting if Rey was a Luke Clone.

My two takes are these:

Thank you, saw his name in the credits and couldn't place him.

Thank you. It went by so quick. Maybe the East Coast was just "waking up" at that point. I went ahead and watched through #4, but still you really only get the establishing shots of New New York.

The C grade is harsh. I felt this episode established: Gallinger finally going full Evil. Harriet's last straw at the hands of the flophouse nuns. The end to Thack's brain experiments. And a rousing sort-of "ER" scene that we haven't been treated to thus far. I'm binge watching, so maybe there would be some

Two links to Anthony Zerbe getting murdered in fabulous ways.

I had the same thought. Did they have a connection in season 1 that I forgot about?

In the future all Texans have fake Texas accents.