Bob Funch

She had "had-it-up-to Here!" with angry, entitled, white Cops as TV show main characters. I think it pulled her out of the show (and Justin Theroux's performance) and it was tough for her to get back into it. It blew up politically and made the threads unreadable through the mid season. She gave high marks to maybe

I was hoping to hear from the classic beard-suicides of Gettysburg. Martin Sheen looked like a Muppet.

It feels like the last day of school, so I'm happy just to cruise through here and up vote every one who says stuff close to how I feel. B+ episode for me. I'd give the season overall an A. Season 1 I'd give B+ just for reference.

His last name stands for "Ron Is FucKing IN!"

Sinister Ron Rifkin.

Watch out it's Killer Monk Ron Rifkin! Rifkin!!!

And then it's Ron Rifkin! Rifkin!!!

That would be cool, but certainly wasn't Lucas' intention up until two years ago. Feloni said Lucas wanted Ahsoka killed during this time frame. I've talked to other fans who want to see Ahsoka show up in these new films. If L & L are 55 now that would put her at 72. You could cast anyone and just say her species

Sorry, I meant Center Field.

Agents of Smash m'cell phone.

He should have opened his chute, went in through the roof, then cut the cord. I have a feeling the only reason they didn't do it this way was budget.

"Inspired by" book Gangs of New York. True though, don't know if Bill the Butcher was a character from said book or invented by screenwriters.

I know this won't go down well with Flash fans. I like Flash. I watch Flash. But the guy who plays Barry is acting at the same level as the guy who plays Lincoln. I'm just sayin' Flash is in the shallower end of the pool.

Maybe in as much as these are "all-stars," this list would act as the AV's fantasy league. I'd put Cumberbatch and Downey Jr in as wide receivers. Oldman as QB. Maybe Gerard Butler in at center. Oprah as a Full Back and Scarlet Johansen as Half Back with Maggie Smith as the Tight End.

You're right. I'm gonna go untie the knot in my sphincter. BRB.

And this:

Every Daniel Day Lewis role I can think of was adapted from one novel or the other.

So because of Jessica Jones this gets a C+?Meanwhile over at the kiddie table Flash gets an A? WT(MF'n)F?

Now we just need to get Nicholas Hoult a Best Supporting Actor nom for Nux.

45 up votes for you my friend.