Bob Funch

Young Frankenstein:
Every thing Gene Wilder says after he emplores his cohorts not to open the door no matter what.

Thanks. I laughed out loud twice heartily enough to not abbreviate that phrase. I work at a budget theater that showed this for two weeks. I saw more of this film than most probably should.
I too wondered despite myself if that meant that Channing had a furry dog-dick in his shorts.
Also wondered why the giant lizard

I'm glad Tarentino is down with the Goggins.

Give a shout out to Ray the lightning bug from The Princess and the Frog. His little sub plot was so achingly romantic that it helped lift that corner of the movie.

When the Rancor died, his owner/trainer looked pretty upset about it.

King Kong in the 1976 version. He just kept taking those mini-gun hits. He went down like fucking Sonny Corleone. Then the drop and an epic thud/crunch sound. I bawled.

I always assumed it was so writers of originally published stuff wouldn't come calling for their % of the loot.

In related news Duchovney and Miss Piggy have "let slip" a sex tape they created a week ago. Both have asked that their privacy be respected while they seek legal council and damages from parties associated with TMZ, Steve Harvey, and Blue Tooth Selfie-Sticks Inc.

Kevin Phillips Bong (Slightly Silly Party).

There was a hedgehog photo on Last Week Tonight during the House-of-Lords gag. So either:

I bought the soundtrack a week ago for that deliciously sweet soft *haunting* piano melody and basically got my fill. Anyone else notice it's almost the exact same theme as Candyman?

Schwimmer has the vocal work with the neurotic animated giraffe going for him. And some $100 million dollar parachute that all the Friends are still receiving. So he's doing ok.

And! She's going to Cal Arts.

Last thoughts on Paul: Funny that it was like his fiancee and his double crossing Black Mountain bro's both seemed to say: "If you had just come out like normal, none of this would have happened."
And then his Mom saying about Splender in the Grass: "This is one that They like." My first assumption was the "They" she

Thanks. The whole film recapped in slideshow! I'd like to take the still of Gene Wilder with the assault rifle an put it on a T-shirt … Because it's so wrong.

After running through his IMBb I also have fond memories of his gag in Johnny Dangerously, Pappy in Popeye, and of course Mr. Hand.

I liked Rogue Nation quite a bit as well. But next time out write a script that isn't such a sausage fest. Sure have Hunt and Brandt and Benji … But bring back Paula Patton and bring back the new girl, Ilsa, too. Heck, Baldwin too. Five movies with revolving door Secretaries and revolving door female agents. Have

With a bumbling sidekick named Eric.

Spot on! Season Two was my favorite as well. Introduced the world to Amy Ryan. Any more praise would be spoiler-ish. Hang in there.

Mine is Muppet Treasure Island.