Bob Funch

So is it possible that R + L = Ramsey Bolton?

Davos is stuck at the Wall now, so sadly - or not, the Wall plotline can move forward with a "main" character still in place.

I'm holding out hope for a Snow resurrection. And I'm kinda hoping they get there through a Snow-wight walker arc. The watch keeps Snow's body on display … He wakes up as a walker. Then we get POV's from the Undead's side of things. … The point being: how does the mystery of John's liniage mean anything if John's

See, that's why I liked this show. It drives people crazy and makes them write long paragraphs. Though I am straight, I consider Justin Thereaux the Olympic Ideal of a man and if he pointed at me and insisted we cuddle, I would not say no.

In part III, Upton's and Carey's breasts engage in glorious battle!

This! And either the helmsman had no clue that he was about to be gobbled up save for his forearm what with the T-Rex being so stealthy and quite, Or! The chap was so committed to his job that he refused to leave his post before getting chomped. "Giant monster in front of me … Must steer the ship … Screw you monster!

They have wight cats too, but they're assholes.

I don't know if this is A material. But B+ slammed into a cliff. Had no clue an attack of this magnitude was coming. Don't know if it was subtle homage here and there, but I still got a kick out of scenes where you knew they were thinking, "this take's gonna be just like Army of Darkness" and "this take's gonna be

Roswell … Favorite episode.

Dead Kennedy's Give me Convenience or Give me Death.

High Sparrow: "The punishment for lying on behalf of your sinful brother is … (tribal drum roll) Say one loud verbal apology to the gods. Spin around three times and spit."
- Margery completes the tasks.-
High Sparrow: "Right, off you go."

Go now and download the Jonny Quest theme song. Play it loud. That's a bad-ass jam.

Tell Johnny I … Tell Johnny That I … (Croak)

Can they legally flip the ticket so Selena is stuck being Veep again? Otherwise end the show after season 5 … Or rename it "Prez" and keep going.

Brienne croaks going for Stannis, leaving Podrick to carry on the oath to Sansa … Badda-bing. Sansa & Podrick 4 evs.

Ex Machina = sequel to The Imitation Game (or a good thematic double feature anyway).

Not only was the Coke ad for shadowed, but with all the telephone calls, he could have come up with the "Reach out & Touch Someone" ad for Bell Telephone as well.

We saw all the ground work and seeds planted in Don's head for the decade's greatest ad campaign. The show didn't have to show us the trip back, the pitch, and the home run. We've already seen those scenes.

Let's see, get out the ol' GoT list of Seasonal Traumas … Ned's Head. … Small Children burned to a crisp. … Pregnant woman stabbed repeatedly in the gut. … Get out the ink and quill here and write in: Young Main Character Deflowered by Droogish Psychopath. Well, there's only 25 more episodes left in the run of the

You mean "bad" like bad-ass … And "stupid" like … Stoopid-fresh … And but the Vision man! The Vision was there. … Floating.