Lap Band of Brothers

You’re glad the dude who finally made the franchise relevant is gone? Alright then...

But did you see green shirt’s double knockdown at 0:12?

I gotta say, this was a nice little fight. The only guy that jumps in who wasn’t initially involved (green shirt holding cup) gets popped and put in his place. The only guy throwing a running cheap shot (orange shirt, long hair) gets sent to Jesus, and it would appear everyone else received an equal amount of blows


We have hotels right on the water like that here in America, too.

The diversity in that picture is astounding . There are fat white men, slightly fatter white men, white women, and maybe even a few white people without a morbid amount of body fat. It think I may even see one really blurry black guy in the far, far back. I guess we will never know how Walker, Trump, and Ryan got

There are so many levels of irony here that I officially don’t understand any of it. Someone do a translation for a befuddled non-American?

Note to We found that one Bengals office chair you sold.

So Blount 70 in 108 games, less than .7 targets a game. Ajayi 65 in 31, over 2 targets a game. That means Ajayi has been targetted about 3 times as often as Blount is. Not quite getting your point.

Certainly better than Blount. Blount has 50 catches in 108 games plated. Ajayi has 48 in 31.

and if the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that NFL front offices have a real strong grasp of QB evaluation

Yup. That’s what we want. People putting principles before profits. Any principles. Doesn’t matter what the principles are. Liberalism is the idea that any and all principles are equally good and valid. Religious Intolerance, Racial Supremacy, Misogyny, the principle of Profits being more important than

Who are “you guys” in this scenario?

Sorry for being bad news bear. Warriors win!

They won the game. So suck it.

Remember when sports used to be fun

Are we sure he’s a good coach? His best year was an 8-8 Raiders team that was pretty stacked, talent-wise.

Who better than Hayward was available? I appreciate teams like Celtics and Rockets that try shit to compete every year rather than straight-up tank.

I empathize. I suffered a “clean break” of the heart in my junior year of high school, when my girlfriend dumped me on the first day of school. It didn’t heal in time for me to ask anybody else to enjoy any of the dances or social activities that I actually wouldn’t have gone to, anyway, had they accepted.

“Man, the Browns are getting killed out here. You’d think they played in Las Vegas.”