
So much of America’s internal conflict could be avoided if our substandard public education system would/could teach  all of our citizens what “fascism” actually is. Ditto “communism” and “socialism”. Although I suspect that the students who most badly needed such information would have skipped class to drink Mountain

A victim complex is a hell of a drug.

Don’t mind CruzeHatch, every other post he does is something negative about Erin. It’s like actively hates this site but keeps coming back.

For those who don’t ride, one thing you’re taught is to never out-ride your vision. The rider more or less admitted that they couldn’t see a thing because of their visor. So they should have pulled over to sort out the visor rather than quite literally riding blind.

If he didn’t see it, he shouldn’t have a drivers license. If he did see it, he shouldn’t have a drivers license. 

ATTGATT also doesn’t help if you don’t strap on your helmet

In fairness to Florida. This particular Florida Man was from Georgia.

Can we emphasize the fact that this was NOT a Florida man but rather a GEORGIA man? I live in Florida and a lot of this stuff happens with snowbirds and out-of-towners. That being said, it did happen in Daytona and the top two-thirds of this state is no man’s land 

Not a slideshow! Our gripes have been heard! 

The best way to avoid this kind of traffic is to support a locally-owned chicken place that serves tastier food, is likely owned by a member of your local area, and doesn’t publicly, proudly discriminate against the LGBTQ community.

Finally, a chicken tax I can get behind.

More motorcycles is always better.  If I see one, I’ll check it out.  There are so many vaporware electric motorcycles these days though, I doubt I’ll see one.

Every report about the ineptness of the Russian ground forces brings me back to the climactic monologue in Chernobyl. What is the cost of lies? I can definitely see the kleptocrat-era Russian chain of command functioning exactly as the Soviet-era chain of nuclear responsibility did - “everything is definitely fine!”

any time I let my wife take the car to get inspected.

Yeah, I’m not sure the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has earned Dolly Parton.

Presumably the court felt that the driver was impaired due to slipping below the usual Floridian BAC?

methinks you need to re-read what i wrote.

“The vast majority of cops are bastards but some are OK.”

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

Fuck drink drivers. And genuinely, thank fuck for this cop and what she did. You take the car head on, its probably gonna suck for you, but it ensures that the least amount of people possible get hurt. Or in this case, killed outright. 70mph car vs squishy meat-bags never ends well for the meat.