
I enjoyed it too. I thought it was a fun watch and it kept me engaged enough to watch the whole season in one day. 

If y’all want to read positive reviews, here are two, from “The Guardian” and from Roger Ebert’s ghost. I’m enjoying the show. I don’t know what you want out of life.

I’m in a similar boat. Though I can’t say I’ve fallen down any rabbit holes.

This dude looks like how I’d like to feel. 

With all due respect Ariza is a perfect deal for Pheonix. 1) It’s for just one year, so it doesn’t screw up their cap in the coming years should they pursue a max player should they become a desirable destination. 2) He’s a very tradeable asset next February. Most importantly, 3) He’s a perfect fit for a team

yes this is a much healthier attitude than an ongoing comedic series about his progress

Good form.

Can you explain this “sieve”? I thought I had one, but I imagine all of the egg white running through it and not just the most watery portion. Maybe I should just try it and see?

Shallow corner: both Chloe and Ella looked fine pantless (or near pantless). Perfect counterbalance to more usual Tom Ellis and Kevin Alejandro’s eyecandiness.

Both Kevin Alejandro and DB Woodside are so good at playing goobers and you wouldn’t think that just by looking at them.

You know what I hate about cop shows?  They're always trying to track down some kind of criminal, often a serial killer, and they follow a bunch of clues and somewhere the criminal always conveniently screws up, and it turns out to be somebody you least expect.  So predictable and boring, really.