Team Simmons. Bill Simmons is the best sports writer in history.
Team Simmons. Bill Simmons is the best sports writer in history.
Hold up real quick. If this was anybody aside from Simmons, and a coach just outright lied about a journalist, wouldn't Deadspin be calling for the coach's head? Again, Rivers just straight-up lied about Simmons, and it's cool because he's lying about somebody Deadspin doesn't like?
Except, of course, for the fact that he's a journalist.
I am starting not to like anyone in the Rivers clan. I already didn't like Austin, now i also don't like this other son who was tweeting out bullshit last night. Now Rivers after his antics the last two weeks, is getting on my nerves. These Rivers sure are entitled fucks.
Yes Glenn shut up you said what you said last night now leave it be you just implied that a journalist tried to get you fired maybe you being an ex athlete you've nust have forgot that when attacked by an athlete or coach journalists stick together better than athletes do even if a journalist is an asshole and may…
Anyone believe Simmons actually tried to get Doc fired? ....Doc is the nutty one here.
" He has been seen sparring with ESPN's Bill Simmons and has been outed as a complete punk since Simmons called him out with the truth." Rivers wikipedia page
You do realize that Simmons' main issue with him leaving is pretending as if he didn't ask to leave, right?
a)That's not a correction. That's repeating what I said and adding more info.
b) So? He's a casual hockey fan. He recognized this and appointed a couple of great writers on Grantland for hockey.
The only thing better than Simmon's response was the crickets that the other heads through out there, so Simmons kept firing
If you listen REEEEEALLY closely at about the 0:57 mark in the video, you can actually hear the other 3's buttholes pucker.
The best damn thing ESPN has right now...
I'm with you on that one. ESPN has seemed to be afraid to get on anyone's bad side at the cost of intriguing content, and actual compelling argument.
This may be one of the lamer stories I've seen Deadspin post in the past couple weeks. You are really grasping at straws when it comes to Simmons. From what I've observed, on one hand: Shut the fuck up about Boston sports Bill. We don't give a shit about the majesty of the Patriots. On the other hand: Bill, when are…
Quite honestly Simmons can't win with you guys. Can you pick ONE narrative and stick with it? You're all over the place ... you're like Rufus (RIP)
So... not too little, but not too much?