Bob Crouch

In any event, it does capture the cultic mind control and quackery aspects of the procedure rather nicely.

Yes, I agree. It's quite clear that the cult is "aping" psychotherapy without the cult founder having any real understanding of the discipline. Where it gets into dangerous and exploitative territory is the use of the emeter as an instrument of superstition and hypnotic mind control. Typical fare for destructive

It's also based on the ludicrous idea that thoughts have mass, quackery perpetrated by fiction science dilettante Hubbard. Its main function is as an instrument of achieving control over the destructive cult's members by catering to their credulity and superstition. It's no wonder that emeters have to carry a

Huh? What does this have to do with anything? Pretty inane comment!

Congratulations! You're on to something, son. I guess I shoulda listened to you…

I agree, it does not particularly matter what Hubbard believed (or pretended to). Scientology is detestable for its actions not its free exercise of believing whatever they want.

As much as I detest the "church," I would read EVERY book about it—pro or con—with an appropriately critical eye.

I would recommend Jon Atack's book, "Let's Sell these people a piece of blue sky." (A quote that expresses how LRH REALLY felt about the nonsense he was peddling). Atack just added a bunch of materials to the book that were missing from its previous edition, called simply "A piece of blue sky."

No doubt, the RCC is a religion and they were part of something awful.

Thanks, it was worth checking out

Last I checked Paulette's own web site had a link to it

Yup, the Hubbard family did NOT wait until their GGS Jamie came along. They pretty much disowned Hubbard as a con man that they were embarrassed to associated with MUCH sooner than that. While anybody can fool some strangers, that's a lot harder to pull off with your own family. So if they think LRH is a fraud, why

They CAN'T give it up. Hubbard is "source," his various and voluminous emissions are "scripture." So they are stuck with the Cold War mentality of a paranoid, vindictive and deranged sociopath.

You're confused. Hubbard did NOT say "I am not a crook."

John: Really? Why would you lie about this when you're so easily proven a liar? Don't you think your cult's reputation is already toxic enough without your help?

It's telling that it became necessary to make this exclusion, given the all-are-welcome character of wiki.