what was the inspiration for this, "thunder in paradise"?
What is the onboard battery charger rated for? 3kw? Why? It's $140k, why cheap out on a small charger?
1.5 hours for 7kw! NO!
I believe it's a similar motor to that of my smart ED...if thats true then it'll be a monster. The smart is actually scary with the TC off in the wet.
The question really comes down to how they've mapped the throttle. I hope it doesn't roll-on then go to 100% amperage.
hahaha! this is 2min from my house. I thought it was a Carrera GT when i saw the burnt out husk....wow. I may go jump in the car and take some pics!
For some. for others, they're not.
I'm 3 months in with a smart ed. $1200 saved in fuel and 8000km on the clock. I've got nothing to complain about. But my daily commute is only 70km each way.
For some. for others, they're not.
I'm 3 months in with a smart ed. $1200 saved in fuel and 8000km on the clock. I've got nothing to complain about. But my daily commute is only 70km each way.
you're talking dns proxy? The iplayer plugin in xbmc doesn't work for me using just dns proxy. Works fine with http though.
anyway, I did once pay $50/yr for an http proxy. They never billed me again. 5 years later still have that account.
or you know, get a uk ip proxy for a few dollars a year and watch on iplayer.
we've spent the past 1.5 months with the smart electric drive. No complaints and my fuel bill on my v70 has gone down by $500/month.
yes...you don't get it.
you want the can so you create a vortex of turbulent air in the column, this takes the air longer to flow through and absorb more heat.
Another neat addition is pex or copper tubing through the cans for heated water in the summer.
yes yes it does. Here in ontario, call the MTO they can pull the plates on the side of the road.
Also truck nuts are vulgar and report the plate tot he police. They're required to remove them by ontario law.
Yes. I just did. The Electric Model. 3 weeks in. Havent put gas in anything other than the bikes....which now hurts me to do.
I have tears from laugh cringing!
Family Handyman is great...but only the once a year "storage" mag they put out.
My garage is tiny, It has NEVER had a car in it, it's barely large enough to fit one. I built this crazy garage roll-out storage closet from last years storage issue. I did change the dimensions a bit and swap of the design around to…
Yikes, nice knock-off of the jo siffert heuer autavia. A BARGIN at $800, but still knock-off.
Perhaps we could do a demo for some of you guys? We're located from Toronto, Milton and Caledon.
We built a car for this season, but were to busy to actually race it.
A small build log(completely out of date) is at: http://electriccirc.us/