
I think you are missing the point. I was a dancer in the 80's. I remember an aspiring dancer in our studio. She was stunning. Beautiful lines. Amazing strength. She was my favorite dance partner. But she was black and never got the best roles. I was naïve at the time, but see now the subtle racism that stood in her

Be aware if you are a competitive athlete that THC is tested for at National and International elite events. USADA and WADA both have a limit of THC that can be found in the blood. It is completely banned “in competition”. The blood limit is relatively high. They do not test for CBD. Do your homework if you compete at

Wow. What an idiot. First, it is just flat wrong. There are plenty of women over 50 with extraordinary bodies. Here’s just one; at age 65, National Champion Masters Heptathlete

That’s without even talking about his reducing women to nothing more than a sex toy.

Again, what an

Not being a lawyer, I can’t say much about the actual details, but the logic seems flawed. If something is NOT in a contract, why should it be included in a term sheet? Should every contract contain an exhaustive list of all the things not in it? Does this mean we need to include a clause in contracts that states