
NPR had some excellent coverage on the Davis influence among conservatives who were supposedly grateful for Kynect, but unaware of or didn’t care a Democrat had provided it and were determined to vote against their interests (one subject was convinced she wouldn’t need it much longer if she voted Bevin). Closer to

“How on Earth did Bevin happen?”

19% voter turnout.

People saw Bevin as a joke, and the Dem candidate was projected to win. So only people who were dumb enough to not see Bevin as a joke showed up to vote - either for or against him. Unfortunately, most of the voters (between 1/4 and 1/3 of the voters in th state) were for Bevin.

There was a historically low turnout, and the Democratic candidate wasn't likable. The oddest thing to me is that people went to vote for Alison, and didn't vote for anyone else.

Kentucky is not a fun place to be a democrat.