HOW did that not hurt your neck permanently?
HOW did that not hurt your neck permanently?
Until a nutjob gets one and goes off the deep end. So, why is it again that we see so much resistance to simple background checks to try to weed out the felons, insane and those with restraining orders against them? Wouldn’t THAT be looking into the “people” factor and weeding out the ones we all agree would be best…
I think that is EXACTLY the point being made. And why no invasive ultrasound wand? They seem to like that idea for women, so it would make sense they would enjoy sharing the experience to get a gun. Otherwise, it would seem they just weren’t that serious.
Actually, they covered it lap after lap of Brad, doing all he could to “take the line” or “take the air off of Johnson”, which was pretty much the same as what Kenseth was doing, because he was FASTER, except for when they ran up on traffic that was two abreast in front of him. And it was a classic example of how that…
Sounds like a lateral move.
No. Not in the least.
Does “gluten free” today mean the same as “cutting the crust off a picky eater’s sandwich” for them?
Yes, it DID stink all to heck. I was looking forward to the duel for the win, and pfft, gone. The fact that a split second after or before they tossed the yellow he was leading, REALLY makes it hurt all the more. And as for Junior, he really needs to have a talk with his pit crew and ask if they could PLEASE not get…
But he is NOT supposed to SLOW DOWN inside the restart box, as was shown last week and appeared to do this week. Time will tell as to how this all plays out to the end of the season. I’d suspect a similar event in the next few weeks could result in Joey getting turned from behind when he slows, approaching a restart.…
Actually, Joey DOES have a tendency to slow just before “going”. They covered it last week on the restarts, and showed he dropped nearly 5 mph INSIDE the restart box. This leads to others having to let up to stay behind him, and a chain reaction through the field, including rearenders and worse, along with slowing his…
OR, he like the first restart just prior, tried to move to the outside, (behind the 6) and just caught his left rear corner. Mind you, he knows others are going to follow the 6, and if he can cut them off, before they get BESIDE him, he’ll hold them back. I could see it from either a cynical or logical point of view…
And you are correct. The actions by Brad in the pits, with his “stunt driving that tossed tools and equipment about” was dangerous and could have been deadly. On the “little league” level of NASCAR weekly racing series, many or most on dirt tracks, such actions would result in a fine, suspension and probation when…
No, we find categorizing NASCAR by one event at one race, to be dishonest. Out of 36 races, there’s emotional outbursts by a couple of the 43 drivers and you brand the entire sport, as if this was a weekly situation. It’s not, and you aren’t being honest when you attempt to do so. As for your “podiums”, in WHAT?
And if you have ever had a chance to get into a car remotely like those of NASCAR and drive one, you’ll find it’s NOT like driving your hoopty and getting groceries. They are loud, powerful, fast and demand you drive them correctly to make them work as intended. I recommend you attend a local dirt track of NASCAR or…
Except for the other 30 races per year or so.
Or golf, or bowling, or curling, or tiddly winks. You won’t get adrenaline fueled arguments over them most likely, unless some golfer runs another’s cart off the cart trail and into a wall at high speed.
Exactly ! I would make it my goal to MAKE HIM CARE, right there on the side of the road. They’d need a second ambulance after hearing that nonsensical answer.
And fits the “Texas model” in my mind perfectly. This is one reason that on my travels I’ve gone AROUND Texas as if it had had a nuclear leak like Fukashima Japan. I don’t want to deal with the troopers there , I don’t want to deal with the wing nuts there, the douche bags there, or any of the goofy mentality we read…
Well he DID cross the double yellow himself, while someone was in that space, and it looked as deliberate as possible.
Agreed, ride as if they ARE all out to get you, and your odds improve.