Fluids. F*ck Oil Starvation. MUAHAHHAHHAHAH
Buddy of mine hit oil in the rain, not much you can do, at 40mph, spun his wrx into a brick wall and the side airbag broke 3 of his ribs and he ruptured his spleen. No more than a bruise on the outside.…I’ve posted this before, I’ll do it again. A 914/6 with a bit of a tune and some golden skills aaaaaaaaaand.....
In a unique position to dispute this since I have had a Citroen and a Subie....ehem....
WHAT??? Sorry Raph but in countries where they sell Citroens we all know they break A LOT. I know the idea behind Citroesn is sweet, trust me I had one ( C4). But no man....french cars are the DEVIL ( this side of Renault Sports…
I think I love you man...
There is a monumental jackass here in our meek subaru club brasil who posted a video of him “runming hotlaps” at a track. He was driving like crap, apexing early and understeering way wide BUT, the golden egg here is that the mf honks at people who wont leave his line when he catches them midcorner or on the strait.
About 5 and a half years ago I saw that P4/5 while I was driving north of the City in Westchester County headed up to White Plains. Remember seeing it on the opposite direction driving south. Looked like a spaceship vaguely reminiscent of a ferrari, couldn’t figure out what the heck it was til right before it passed…
nono a jalopricate is someone who hates miatas and diesel wagons.
I want to hate this article....darn you OKULSKI I want to hate it so much....but this last weekend my friend and I took his e92 and drove over 300km back and forth and I must say...although I do not sympathize, I DO empathize.
how is jalopnik torture a diesel wagon? Don't we love those? I do....
just to be a dick Im going to go ahead and say most VW are powered more by their turbines than their engines. Flame away gents.....
SO mass produce, Much affordable, Such Everyman Car. WOW!
And not a word on the cattle industry. Hate rolling coal but can't quite be mad at it if I eat beef now can I.
Legit Made me laugh.
Well I mean “stock” they will overheat on track. You have to admit that not only do boxers emit a whole hell of a lot of heat, but Subaru stinged on oil coolers and that makes a big difference.
I think what he is trying to say is that, if you turn on the car, open the door and walk around the hatch will be locked? Making you return to the cabin, unlocking the car and walking around once more to open the hatch. If that is the case, man that sux.