
Dude I have a WRX and sure, I will point out a WRX is NOT an STI despite what most of my buddies will think. On the other hand, try throwing anything more than 350whp at any WRX pre 08 and you either need a 6 speed gearbox or an sti lol. My buddy did have a 700whp STI and despite throwing everything you could possibly the S15 has no ABS....are we back to breaking? I can't take this back and me Glenn Beck!

I think its funny that it is sold as a 210hp car in the US. Here in brazil it is sold as a 240 I think but dyno tests have shown it anywhere from 260 to 272 the high side being off in my mind.
Listen I have a 300hp wrx which is not much but enough to have a good time and the 260 ponies under the gti's hood PLUS that such a putz....good job torch.

hahahah you sir get a star

Ok see that makes sense.

I wonder if rising heat from the exhaust might actually have anything to do with their aero setup regarding rising and dropping air pressure due to temp. Am I making any sense here?

I hear, in very different segments....that the FRS/BRZ aren't selling well, nor the Mazda 3 and Vipers.

I'll make my OWN jacks....with blackjack....and hookers!

Sorry what?

Beneath all the rally performance, the EVO X is still a Lancer, which means it's a horribly outdated economy car. But, if you can live will all the cheapness, you get a hell of performance car for short money.

I just feel like if this is acceptable then the Atom takes the cake. Rainy day? Why sure lets take the Atom on our way to the big business meeting hmmm nooooooo

but somehow I think this misses the point.....

You also have to remember the sheer bat shit crazyness of this "kid". The speedo reeds 140km/h on most of his turns, like when he REVS ABOVE 11 GRRRRRRRR.....and they you realize that 140km/h is 87mph. Which if you think about it, is ridiculous on a tight-ass mountain road where tires usually start chirping at 40.....

What a bunch of bmw drivers....

So much want...

1970 Impala wagon with a blown roller 509" BBC, 818HP in current tune at 5800 rpm 790 ft lbs torque and that does NOT include the 200hp Nitrous Setup currently installed but not yet used on THIS engine.
Totalling at a current (possible) 1018hp for $7,600 bucks THAT is a DAMN good deal hp/$ would I buy it?

You have to remember that to honor your warranty Bug wants to do all the service, oh just included in the price is the two mechanics who fly out to u. With parts. And tools......and frenchitude.

You Should've bought a squirrel.....

I want to hear tapes from the original Hellcat think tank happy hour....

"Wait ..*hiccup*...hang on...what if we..."