

Can they go back to showing Strongman competitions over night again? And other weirdo sports. Those were the best days of ESPN.

Took me quite a long time to realize that the gas gauge has an arrow indicating which side the filler is on.

One does not simply don the mithril links...

One does not simply don the mithril links...

Horrible idea. The engine is only going to get the lightest atmospheric elements like Argon and won’t be able to sustain combustion.

what’s the deal with hispiters!!!

My uncle works at a dealership is how i know.

All American cars have a universal key anyone can use until they’re paid off, then you get your own personal lock. It is a big incentive to pay off the car quickly.

Well, 3 million fewer voters wanted Trump than wanted Hillary, but look where we are anyway.


Don’t try and kinkshame Jabba.

I really don’t see what’s so bad about having a bunch of super studly Star Wars fans telling you how often they knuckled up thinking about you.

Bullshit. Joe Jackson is a no talent hack who only got to where he did by exploiting his children’s talents with no regard for their well being. He has no place being elected to the hall of fame.

You can still do that, and that has lots of value.

Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

All Weekender, all the time. This exact one, the Weekender Slip-Through, is currently $36 through Timex, but I have a couple faces and about a dozen straps. Works for nearly everything.

All Weekender, all the time. This exact one, the Weekender Slip-Through, is currently $36 through Timex, but I have

This actually a really nice article. Congrats

Kind of an irrelevant point. What if your headgasket fails, what if you get a fuel leak, what if you get a blowout? Point is, any number of things can bork your car, this system adds some and takes some away. Nothing is ever foolproof.

If they made them "all you can eat" salad bars, people would end up taking *less* food, because they would get full before they could end up taking a "tower" worth of food.