
There is no irony in wearing a Foreigner t-shirt. Every time I wear mine it feels like the first time. P.S. I saw Foreigner at a cowboy bar in 1993.

I’m not commenting on the efficacy of ACV (it’s probably quackery and the placebo effect) but vinegar is generally a weaker acid than stomach acid, so the process would dilute the original - at least somewhat.

Conservative = Probably Racist

I sure hope not. If they go back to skeuomorphic design Imma barf.

I like to think of .25 light years as a “light summer.”

You can tell because of the chocolate salty balls.

Seems legit. Case closed.

I’m not what you’d call a “car guy.” I saw the thumbnail on Gizmodo and thought “hey, a Ferrari that’s actually attractive and not an over-designed douche-mobile.” Then I saw that it was a ‘78.


Locker room talk, people! Fake news. Sad!

Then he turned right back around and said those who protested in opposition were equally to blame (paraphrasing).

It still does. In O-Chem. Organic also means without interference from outside sources as in “the idea grew organically from our conversation.” Language is funny that way.

Oh. The hardware’s fine. It’s only the operating system specifically designed by the same company to run on their very own hardware that’s at fault. Good to know.

My Fun-Co™ brand residential grade nuclear particle accelerator is still going strong since day 1 of release. The only problems I had were the critical shield failure (was replaced, no questions asked - most neighbors survived) and the unexplained glowing green goop spewing from the cooling tank (I got to keep it!) 

It is a modest goal.

Not kidding. I would wear the heck out of some Amber Musk. It would be my signature fragrance and all the ladies would come running*.

To be smarter and funnier than you.

If you stand by a heap of shit it’s still a heap of shit.

I really don’t care who you insult and I’ve never met a sacred cow. The fact is that you’re ignorant. Allegra as an Anglo female name has existed for centuries. Lord Byron had a daughter called Allegra.

Then he was in a can with his refrigerator running.