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To be totally fair to your sister. It’s not unheard-of:

As a child I saw countless fish and several deer eviscerated and never made the connection to my own body. Until I had my own “aha” moment about the digestive system, I thought of my own body as a hollow container like the guy in the video. Kids are dumb in the weirdest way.


I’m a Lynx man myself. That or Camino. Or Netscape Navigator.

Special Agent Fiddle Faddle‘s right about Olson Johnson being right. And I’m not giving up my ice cream parlor, that I built with these two hands, for nothing or nobody.

You couldn’t convince me to be a spotty teenager getting paid freelance photographer wages. Super strength or no.

That’s a pretty good solution, too. YMMV with applications, though.

Lol. Oh Mah gawk, the PRINT MENUS!

I’m in an Exchange environment. Outlook is a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. I tried for years to use Outlook for Mac and whatever that early-aughts Exchange client for Mac was called, but I finally gave up in tears.

As someone who works on both platforms: don’t switch. If you like consistent control interfaces (print menus being one example), don’t switch. If you like things that work as they are designed to, don’t switch. If you value your sanity at all, don’t switch.

Ford just got owned! This Mitsubishi has 1)4 wheels 2)doors 3)a fossil-fuel-based power plant 4)manual instruments to control velocity along two axes. Exactly the same as the Mustang.

That’s how you can tell she isn’t married.

The King’s Speech was a fantastic movie.

Congratu-fucking-lations. You are now a 15 year old boy.


I said I favor euthanasia for cats. Goddamn you have bad comprehension.

Do you have a problem reading? I reject the notion that all firearms owners, myself included, are the kind of human garbage that would shoot cats on sight. The anger stems not from whatever redneck version of the “truth” that you’re peddling, but from the notion that anyone with a gun is the same kind of toothless,

Wrong. Just because I don’t support shooting cats on sight doesn’t mean I don’t own a gun you stupid fucking dipshit. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You know the old saying: cute hands, sloppy pie?

I favor euthanasia for feral cats, but am a shoot-on-sight person for shoot-on-sight people.