
I would read that comic book.

RealPontiacFakePontiac: “My Struggle” is Real

That sounds like a reasoned and thoughtful solution. A “final” solution of sorts.

I’m sorry. What were you talking about?

Maybe they did it for the reason that I read these articles. Nothing is more entertaining than a grown person getting all in a lather about comic book characters.

Dear people who do not make insanely popular blockbuster movies for a living,

It most certainly is not.


Where the hell did that apostrophe come from? NIMBYs is just fine.

You think the commenter you responded to thinks that Barack Obama decides that stuff? You are either being intentionally obtuse or you are not good at understanding things.

That’s some really good reading comprehension right there.

Holy shitballs, guys. Have you heard of these things called “keystones?” They’re an amazing 21st century invention. I mean, gravity. How does it even?

I like that idea. She’s the Smokey to Finn’s Bandit.

Best solution.

Here’s a novel approach to the same problem.

It looks like they are pretty evenly matched, but the one on the right scrubbed a little bit of speed right there at the beginning by moving slightly screen right.

... it’s called the Chromé, and “designer” Neil Poulton appears to have...

Looks like a Newport ad from the back of the National Enquirer circa 1989.

Not once President Trump takes office. Oranges can’t climb walls.