
Yeah. I like things that are funny and not racist. I can see how that would be a bummer to unfunny racists.

Congratulations on being racist and unfunny. Hope it works out for you.

embodiment of the phrase, “Lady, suck a lemon and unpucker your mouth.”

Mishandled on all sides except the delivery driver who asked for payment and got pinned to the refrigerator by his or her neck. And the police who responded to a complaint and got verbally and physically threatened. So, yeah - mishandled by the old guy who stole food and tried to beat people up.

And I was comically implying that he said “better” when he meant “worse.”

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Looks like there was a slight error in one of those quotes. I fixed it.

I couldn’t even complete the article. When he called tweeting David Cross’s phone number “performance art” I just closed the tab and deleted him from the list of humans I ever want to know anything about.

Hyper-realistic simulation. For a minute, I thought I was actually wearing goggles.

I thought I was your PRODUCT, Spotify! Why don’t you want me?

I think you’ll find moral and morale are very different things.

If you don’t see it, no amount of explaining is going to make you see it. Just be aware that pretty much everybody in the world not sucking on a stupid battery operated asshole identification machine thinks you’re a douche.

We’d all much rather that you stay inside your home with your nasty junk, your tin man, your lion and your little dog, too.

Oops. I should have read all the comments first.

There’s always someone willing to defend the indefensible.

I smoked for about 15 years and quit cold turkey.

You just might be ignoring the fact that 99.999999 percent of photographs are taken by non-artists.

Photography is dead.

awesome version of that insane car chase from Mad Max: Fury Road

You’re telling me that I didn’t have to spend an extra two bucks per round for this?