
A single retailer refused to sell the game, that's their right. It's no different than the petitions the pro gamergate crowd has made and the harassment they've given to people who advertise on " pro sjw" websites. just because one store refuses to sell it doesn't mean the world is ending. Walmart used to refuse to

bash comes through with the photoshop win!

I think you meant 2014 not 2004 fahey

The dam level was never a problem for me. The levels after though... could never get past the techno drone

how long before the toys start glitching out and asking for micro transactions?

the Korean double down makes ours look like a joke

broadband isn't everywhere yet and some people still aren't interested in the Internet. Though they probably don't play video games either tbf

you can use a bunch of other controllers and control schemes tbf

local high schools near me use chalkboards. I've always assumed white boards were a more collegiate thing.

bash, after the rebranding the initials KFC have become meaningless as they are trying to distance themselves from the stigma of calling their foods fried

ubi is having issues making quality games that run proper and are fun. It's karma biting their ass for their douchey act's towards nintendo

The Internet is built on cat pictures and people complaining about everything. If those two things stopped existing it'd implode on itself and form a black hole dooming all of humanity.

I would suggest you do it. There aren't too many third party games, but to be honest you aren't buying it for third party games. the first party games I've played have all been top notch, full of nostalgia and some new ideas as well. I've honestly gotten about as much out of the wii u as I did the PS3, owning more

I always thought it was sweat myself

except the blood wasn't white it was a murky grey/brown mix.

they sure do. Buying a wii u is the best decision I've made this year. Every game I've chosen has been amazing, both fun and full of things to do. Can't wait for captain toad coming up and of course smash. Nxt year looks to be just as good if not better if you can believe that!

totoro is one of my all time favorites. He's sooo cute!

thanks for using my suggestion and then deleting my post ass :(

care to rewrite that sentence? Lol

thanks. Didn't realize it was on disc content due to the lack of rage about it.