
Here she is in 1978. She was 53 then. So, yes, basically. Although if you ever get the chance to meet her you could say truthfully, “You haven’t aged a day in 40 years!”

How the hell else do you think she got her picture on the dollar bill?


I don’t know if they would be safely home, but I’m pretty sure that their lives would have a lot more value than these girls did. White girls steal cars and break the law too, as much as many would like to believe otherwise. They are just less likely to have records.

People wouldn’t be saying that they deserved to die

I’m with you. Normally I love you bobby, but I think you’re wrong here.

Hardly. I know a number of people that took”joyrides” at that age, that’s what it’s called when you’re not poor and black, and they are all professionals now.

GTFO of here with your logic. This is a hate thread.

Also, WTF kind of name is Kateland?

That’s absolutely the lesson here.

The most succinct description of Trump I’ve ever read. All without too many four-letter curse words... I couldn’t do that. Well played.

I’ve long said Trump’s political position is whatever Facebook meme is popular with “drunk uncle” aka *that* relative at the time.

He totally is a con but people like their snake oil.

One of things I hope for most dearly is that the death penalty will be abolished in my lifetime. Not the feckless, useless, piecemeal state by state abolition, but the federal government actually stepping up and saying no more. I hate this shit. It’s WRONG.

Good point....

That would be the best.

Can I just say this is the weirdest fucking news story? Being a sex slave is awful. Awfuuuuuuullllllll. But somehow that’s not enough and the nyt (and jez) has to sell it with.... “and sex slaves are forced to take birth control!!!”

And also, the government is not a business and should not be run as such. Consider the implications of the “savings” generated by using a different water source for Flint, Michigan...

This can’t die soon enough. To both “Damn Daniel” and swatting.

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

We are not talking personal choice here, but public policy. I don’t like weed but it’s one of the few medicines my wife can use with minimal side effects for her.