
The only reply I see is from you. Take a look at the thread.

I used an exclamation point. :)

Comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

Are tombstones involved?


Right, cause people are always 100% truthful about themselves and we should never ever question that.

yeah, he is. "spectrum-y" is the term we use.

I meant that the phrase "political correctness" is only used by people who are pissed off at the way societal norms around speech have changed in their lifetime.

I think this one would more accurately be titled "We were nearby when stuff was happening", rather than "Expert Witness".

On the contrary there is only the use of the term "political correctness" by people who don't like their ability to make discriminatory jokes limited.

Is there any other kind?

Seinfeld is autistic. He doesn't understand other people, much less changing societal norms.

Brains are gendered?!? That may be the dumbest thing I have read on this entire topic.

How about gender is ridiculous to begin with, so when someone wants to strongly transition to one side of that ridiculous made-up spectrum complete with airbrushed playboy bunny club outfits and having all age spots removed it leaves me feeling pretty non-excited about the whole thing.

Yeah, it's kinda hard for 4 people to improvise that so quickly. :)

Not at all. Though they're there too.

Go to Burning Man and look at the people dancing at 4 a.m. outside my tent and tell me that goth culture and hipster culture have not already fused into an unholy abomination.

Quick, everyone dance like non-conformists! NO, well, YES, but exactly the same as each other!

His games remind me of pop music. The lyrics don't make any sense on a piece of paper, there are odd generated sounds that have nothing to do with "notes", and hardly anyone is playing an instrument…but it's catchy and fun.

You had me at "(the) writing is minimalistic."