That...doesn’t answer my question at all. That’s just a list of loaded complaints you have about Sanders supporters.
That...doesn’t answer my question at all. That’s just a list of loaded complaints you have about Sanders supporters.
Unrealistic and naive about what?
So we’ve shifted the talking points? No more cult of personality Sanders-worshiping Bernie Bros?
Yes, because literally “wasn’t able to change the world by himself” is a reasonable standard of judgment. Clinton supporters are absolutely fucking hilarious in the ways they nitpick on Sanders but have a blind spot for their own incredibly poor candidate.
“His identity is tied to being the “lone” voice “fighting the good fight”.”
“Exactly. She’s not an IT expert.” - She was the one who wanted the servers. It was set up specifically to avoid FOIA requests.
I don’t see it often, but when I do see the word ‘obscurantist’ I always think of it as being somewhat a self-defeating word.
If you need to set up your sanctimonious point by making sure you refer to it as a children’s game, the rest of what you say is going to be predictably obnoxious.
You...think they’re dating?
“I never want to experience being in a position where it will have a negative impact on my life or someone else’s ever again.”
Would a porcupine be more to your liking?
“It seems like a stretch to conclude that Sanders staying in the race is inherently sexist.”
The per capita support of Vermont compared to other states shows that his support is highest in the state that knows him best. That’s an interesting thing to note.
I really appreciate the work you’re putting into minimizing this.
Awesome, thank you.
I have not read the chapter - have only seen summaries. It’s actually available??
Right, a suit that looks like it’s made out of valyrian steel.
Great write up, thanks. Only thing I’d point out is that Euron SAYS he has Valyrian steel armor - whether he really does or not is to be seen.
It looks blue to me.
The campaign wouldn’t waste money on such a silly project, it’s much better spent managing their shill army...