
$44,000,000.00 is a lot of money my friend. Roger Goodell needs that money. He NEEDS it man! Don't try to mess with that money. That is just his yearly take from last year. He needed that money. He already spent it all. Don't try to screw with that money.

You can check. They did a study in the Lancet.

No one seems willing to acknowledge this program as the modern equivalent of Tolstoy. This is art. It is a pure reflection of modern society and man's place in this particular part of the universe.

Actually, I think he was in the process of trying to "hose down' the entire plane. For safety reasons.

Yes. It is called fear of black people and poor people.

Sounds like something we should all test out next time we are flying.

I wish we could teach children all of US History. It would be great.

The King in Yellow is "So Money!"

Gah! Manara spent twenty years stuck at Heavy Metal. Marvel knew that when they hired him. He is awesome. Check out his Tarot art:

Lose the top-hat? WTF? The world needs toppers and champers all around!

Neat tidbit; the same chemical that archaeologists use to replace the water in wooden parts of shipwrecks with fat in order to preserve them is one of the primary ingredients of Dr. Pepper.

I you don't watch football then you are gonna get KTFO! They have a 'captive' audience.

Hulk is the perfect pitchman for Preparation H(ulk) isn't he.

The next time someone makes a movie set in ancient history I want to see all the characters constantly throwing pots and bowls into corners and breaking them with hammers. Pottery LOL! Why don't they use Tupperware?

meh :(

We should replace the ice bucket challenge with the 'warm can of Genny Cream Ale' challenge. You go first.

Grain Belt is the hoppiest beer. It almost tastes like coffee.

Yes. This stuff is my favorite. I love the Black and Tan although I have been all over the East Coast and I have never seen Yuengling Porter for sale.

YES! 500K is the minimum. Otherwise GTFO!

And that is how it SHOULD be. No child at a kids pop show should be worried about how to address elderly gentlemen's sexual approaches.