why do you want women to be victims?
why do you want women to be victims?
Tell me more about being a man.
As someone who went through engineering school. I call bullshit.
I want to clarify some things before the stream of comments come in. Not every woman experiences these issues. A few women told me they didn’t feel any discrimination at their company (and that is awesome!). Not all men are sexist jerks, and we’re not writing this to make men feel guilty or say that they didn’t earn…
She is far too old for that hair color.
A group also unfurled a banner reading “Migrant Lives Matter” midway through
Yeah you know what, I think he’s cute too. I hate Family Guy and he’s made some dumb movies but he also executive produced Cosmos, so like, he broke even and maybe even got some positive points in my estimation.
This needs to get bumped higher :(
I too find Seth McFarlane really attractive. Something about his smile and also that he sings, dances and plays the piano incredibly well. Plus producing Cosmos and his voice.
Erin, no need for the :(, girl! He IS hot, he’s (usually) funny, he’s insanely talented, he got the Cosmos reboot on the air, and if nothing else, there’s this:
mass layoffs at gawker and jezebel http://www.theawl.com/2015/11/accoun…
Look, Deadspin...we need to talk.
Regis is a Jesuit high school. The NFL and the Catholic Church: two institutions with sterling records of in-house disciplinary systems!
Deadspin: Sports News Without Access, Favor, or Discretion
Combine the best training, the best coaching, and the best PEDs, you get truly professional domestic violence.
It’s all about ethics in domestic violence.
I’m more interested in this talk: Lisa Friel’s “Soul Selling and the NFL: When The Price IS Right!”
The NFL has a domestic violence expert? That goes a long way towards explaining why so many players seem to be so good at it...
This is Deadspin’s “Apple blackballs Gizmodo from iPhone coverage” moment.