
Sorry to be that person, but don’t you mean that she died on September 11, 2001 (not 2011)?

Caitlyn Jenner is a women. Referring to her as a man is insulting at best. But she is not a nice person and besides coming out, which if she wanted to live her true authentic life she had to do - so that was for herself, what has she really done for the community?

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

With a retweet or a tricolored temporary Facebook profile picture, we can shoehorn our way into history, forcing our way into violence and loss we know nothing about.

This woman seems just...delightful. Apparently she ws also convicted of ‘racially-aggravated harassment or distress of a Bicester woman’ this past July. Oh, and Anna missed the best fb post in response to her critics “I hope your families get blown up by ISIS”. Stay classy, April.

I’m assuming (and this is paraphrasing since her post is somewhat illegible) that she is referring to a long-standing association with people of Afro-Caribbean lineage, or is possibly from the Caribbean herself, or has been associated with Caribbean community form the age of 5. Therefore she CAN’T be a racist because

That must be why nobody ever died playing football in the early 20th century.

The pop star-slash-social activist

Yeah her body type and super young face don’t help at all. The faces she makes and poses she’s in look so disturbing to me. In these pictures, she looks like a 12 year old being forced to pose by a dirty pervert. It’s not sexy or sexual or avant garde at all. Ugh. Bleh.

In some ways Miley Cyrus reminds me of Angelina Jolie when she was younger, with her knives and her blood necklace and the other attention-seeking, shocking things she did. Then something happened, probably the adoption of her first son, and she stopped engaging in those kind of antics. I'm not a big fan of hers, but

I don’t get it either. A while ago I asked a friend who is a professional photographer and she was equally baffled. She basically said he’s not a bad photographer but it’s not like he’s some innovative genius or even great....that he’s basically the definition of a mediocre photographer who hasn’t even evolved much in

And, as much as folks may think otherwise, Rihanna had a suitable transition in her image. She came out and it was more pop-y, feel-good music that was age appropriate with some edge. Her musical image didn’t start to take shape until the Umbrella album (don’t remember the name) and then that infamous DV situation.

I’ve seen some criticism from professional photographers. Namely that someone with a catalog of almost all nudes probably isn’t in it for the art.

Honestly, I have always thought her sexy pics were disturbing because she looks so young still. She can’t help her slim body and the youthful look of her face so that’s not something I’m downing or talking against. It’s the fact that whoever is taking her pics is making her look intentionally exploited, like a sex

I’m not a professional photographer, but I was an art history major.

This girl tries so hard to be sexy and she always ends up looking like a very confused teenager. Her poses and faces make me so uncomfortable.

Miley is the dictionary definition of a try-hard.

Any professional photographers here to enlighten me as to whether this guy’s some kind of genius or something? I don’t get why people work with him. To my untrained eye all his work looks like it could have been done by anyone who’s ever shot for Playboy. Or, hell, anyone who’s ever snapped a Polaroid nudie of their

This man is a predator and I do not understand why he keeps getting booked.

No matter what she does Miley is just not going to be one of the cool kids. I wish she would just accept it and move on.