
Let’s assume that this was actually a problem for her, and that she didn’t figure out a way to finesse $100 from every Becky, Becki, Rebeckah and Bex on Earth that discredited an entire culture. Let’s say this was genuinely a problem and solution she came up with completely independently...

He’s right about people in general, not just golfers. They don’t think ahead while in line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a TSA security line and half the people walk up to the podium and only then start pulling out their ID and boarding pass. Or they don’t get out the credit card at the store until all

Worse even than the score was how Tiger moved around on the course, frowning constantly and bending gingerly and grimacing and stretching.”

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

The number of people online who don’t realize that Grime’s “regimen” was a (not very good) joke is kinda alarming.

Grimes’ music isn’t nearly good enough for her to sell this bullshit wellness routine.

I maximize the function of my mitochondria with supplements such as NAD+, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Magnesium, etc. This helps promote ATP and it’s incredibly visceral.

she’s mostly a vegan but isn’t against bugs

He certainly cannot read the question...

A Miami resident leaves temple early so he doesn’t miss out on a great deal? can’t get addicted to something you never try. This isn’t cancer. This isn’t Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or something like that. This is self-inflicted.”

Absurd?  Yes.  Hilarious? Absoooolutely

Curt Schilling not only espouses vile and utterly repugnant personal and political beliefs on the reg, he also defrauded the state I’ve called home for the last eight years to the tune of $75-plus million dollars. He’s a terrible businessman and a terrible human being..

He also deserves to be in the HOF and it’s absurd

He dropped that A A Ron so casually the article didn't even notice. Meow that is magnificent work.  

There’s so much awesome to unpack here, but the austere of the repeated A. A. Ron is choice.

I don’t think Ben Roethlisberger deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, so much as he’ll force his way in, whether we like it or not. 

As difficult as this is, every player Maryland recruits going forward (and, perhaps more importantly, their parents) must see these videos. They must know how little this program cares about them. And they must know where DJ Durkin is now.

Good fight by Wilson, he won fair and square.

All kidding aside, at 150 mph, you just better have a damn good conductor.

This is more of a Shelbyville idea.