
It's an X-Wing. The seam is very clear near the engines, and you can see that the wings are split down the middle of the wings so that when they split there will be a forward wing and a back wing.

Apparently it wasn't clear that people plug in headphones to their phone, but also the HTC One speakers are front facing just in case you had your HTC One face down and were trying to listen to music.

Those arent Russian fighters, they are local Belarus militia members. Rolls eyes.

Definitely play it on hardcore. It's still somewhat easy, but you can die if you zone out or get careless. Also, a big question I had before purchase: play time. I beat the game in 17 hours, and I was incredibly thorough. TBH, it feels like it was longer than that. It's consistently excellent throughout the

They fucking made me watch The Walking Dead.

I think someone already said it, but you've gotta be one of like, 50 people who didn't like the 360 controller. I have one for my PC and wish I could still use it with my PS4. PS did make awesome improvements on the DS4, like making it a little bigger and easier to manage for those with big hands.

I think you're the only person on Earth who thinks the 360 controller is a "P.O.S." Congratulations!

I agree, or perhaps another sequel to the movie.

Which today, ironically, was announced it would only be available on IOs and Android and would avoid consoles. This could definitely reflect that.

Right, but those publications gave largely positive reviews despite what you call "major" bugs. So not sure why your copy (and Gamespot's, for that matter) was so much worse than everyone else's.

From the little that I've read it seems the two cameras will help with post-refocusing as "the John" mentioned, and also help with low-light shots as "prisoner881" mentioned.

Taco Bell sells sandwiches now?!

as zingbat said if you would read instead of trying to hijack my thread is one wheel dosnt turn anymore but its still trukin and it is pretty damn impressive engineering. unless you are currectin my splinnn mistakes u canz fix up this one too. oh and no typo's this time or i will get screen shot when u mis spell

It goes to Trevor. No, not the one from GTAV, the one down the block. You do know that marijuana isn't really dominated by any cartels, right? I mean, Seattle and Portland have better weed than Mexico. (Trevor's name has been changed to protect him from people who think he might be a cartel.)

British Columbia? Oh noes!

Anyone else think Gabe Newell is turning into Jerry Garcia? (Not a Submission)

There are two very good reasons why companies are still using fucking cables. These are supposed to be tournament level controllers and tournament players exclusively use wired controllers. Wireless creates an input lag unnoticeable to the average player but extremely noticeable to the hardcore tourney players.