
I really, really miss the Recent Players section. I don't get why they would remove features from the 360. Why not just build ON IT?!

I'm spoiled by the quick access, myself

I was wondering. Damn, I was kind of excited for this. I need my Google Now.

I hated 3 but loved the rest and I'm having a blast with 4


Three is a big number, isn't it. Public schools fail again!

The feminism on this site fucking reeks. Time to douche the internet!

Oh don't fidget? The red hot metal is to be ignored? Plastic is known for staying in place when melting? Your poor poor children....

Wow. Being on Jezebel this long made me a little retarded. Goodbye Dunham clones.

Apple is making the HTC One now? That's what I gathered from this, anyway...

Or maybe it was a song FOR his newfound friends. Not every song is a direct reflections of an artist. But, what do I know?

Never have really been a fan of anything that wasn't Android. But, I do say, the iOS animation is prettayyyyy, prettayyyyyyyy, prettay good.

Did you know that the Metro interface is easily hidden? I won't tell you how because it's something that is easily Googled and found.

Please let it be the Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos!

Sping to live? I'm guessing it's supposed to be "Spring to life"??

Who's to say it isn't an abduction of early man?

I want footage.

This proves the point that bigger isn't always better. Right? Guys? *GULP*

Obvious troll is obvious...You can't call people idiots, whilst sounding like a bigger idiot. Idiot.

How do the tonsils of that Gift Horse look? Can you see 'em?