Probably, they have been tying Forza and Top Gear together. I enjoy Captain Slow.
Probably, they have been tying Forza and Top Gear together. I enjoy Captain Slow.
You should probably go read that article again. Also, isn't it a gadget site? Because I think the Xbox One is a super neat gadget, just not the best VIDEO GAME CONSOLE! The internet is full of 'em lately, I tell ya.
No problem, mang!
"The 28nm chip will consume around 100 watts, which is slightly higher than current Xbox Slim and PS3, but Microsoft promises noise from the cooling fans will be "four times quieter."
They already said it would be nearly silent
Cool story, bro! WHOA!
Ah, further proof that people are hating on a console they know nothing about. Thank you.
Please, everyone. Please let your hatred flow so it isn't impossible for me to get one of these on launch day. Thanks, your trolling will be good for someone else. That is, if you all are actually pissed. Ya just seem like trolls to me.
Whatever it takes to see Norfolk, VA on Deadspin. The odd thing is, it isn't our team being the laughing stock for once! YAYYYY
Actually, for the painting I have been doing for the past 4 or five years we have been using Yellow tape. It's stronger, less leakage and has a more delicate adhesive
Dogs don't like other dogs in their face.
ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?! Plastic melts, sticks to skin and cools slowly. Remove this.
Riddle me this, Ivan. Why?
So much truth.
It has become obvious that you are a stranger to the female anatomy. I see an ass, whether its in a strenuous activity or not is a different story