
You can use a lighter too since thats more handy and faster. Just hold the ball high enough that it doesn’t get burnt through. One of the few things I learned in college.

Me neither. I think people are just trying too hard after the last one.

When people complain about politics in games, what they are really complaining about is “Hey why is there anything but my straight, white male worldview in this game? It makes me uncomfortable.”

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding it.”
Lloyd Alexander

It’s called wallbanging, not walling. Walling implies you’re hacking, being able to see people through walls.

Yesterday on the day of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, we wondered, where is everyone? Today, on the day of the

Even the chart listed is asking for 3 sets of data

Great point about Job Perks being ‘part of the reimbursement package’. Since the 1980's, I’ve said ‘there should at least be a half-semester about what work is, how to understand it, etc.’ for school-age children. They often make lifelong paradigms from what parents say, or complain about, and never get to understand

There is really no reason why he should not be there. He probably has the whole set of Nintendo console at home and plays them once in while. Even if he would not enjoy them, it’s pretty much his responsibility as Sony exec to keep taps on the competition.

“Lastly, I don’t think any person would have chosen Hillary as a paragon of virtue and human decency.”

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

Not useless, just not nearly as clear at first glance as it could have been. Honestly, a tiny change - flipping the scale with the 1 on the right and adding a small “Rank” label - would’ve made this map much more clear.

I said right there in my post why: I personally find it more interesting to watch someone play a game how I would play it (i.e. In the intended order of events, without glitches), but better and faster. I also said specifically that I’m not making any judgement about how a speed run should be done. I never said it

It’s not even the wax. I just have to get the water out after a shower.

On top of that, Gmail natively supports the ISO8601 format, so you can use:

This isn’t humblebragging, it’s plain bragging. A humblebrag would be more like, “I don’t know what to do with the extra time now that I’ve cut a minute off my mile.”

Yeah, it’s really more of a teaser than a trailer. A real trailer will come, eventually. I’ve been working on this game for 18 months, and Tom came on board about 10 months ago. We’re nearing a state where the game is ready for limited public testing, so we wanted to let the world know that it existed. We also wanted