Have you played Wasteland 2?
Have you played Wasteland 2?
They use Ion engines, which are very fuel efficient and don’t require large amounts of propellant, but do require large amounts of energy. Hence the panels. They’re basically accelerating small amounts of matter very fast. Now, in real life, Ion engines have very poor thrust/weight ratio, but make it up by being very…
You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.
Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy…
So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.
"I am not a racist. It's the antithesis of who I am. At least in this one instance of unverified, but likely, evidence that I am a racist. I won't address all those other documented times that I was, in fact, a racist shithead, because they don't matter and I never saw any repercussions. I'm just saying, this week, in…
I fell for it to but they wanted my paypal account not a card so I set one up never got no money but there has been activity in it not by me what would you do
There's only so much you can do. Send it to your friends and family. Warn them of the danger. If they refuse to listen to you, there's not much you can do...at some point they have to take responsibility. The best you can do is educate.
What do you do, when the people who *should* be reading this, aren't? :( :( and won't? ever?
My favorite part of this scam is the threat they tried to use to get me to cooperate, i feel bad for anyone who believes that Microsoft is going to actually send someone to their house to physically revoke their windows license because their computer is sending out too many error messages.
Literally cock-blocking lawyers.
I guess you haven't been to college in the last 15 years. That is how to dance...and in case you need more explanation....
ooh . . . Good point.
I suppose in that history line, NortAm was not stupid enough to build SkyNet? :)
Mwa ha. PERFECT!
His campaign's last gasp differs from others by the fact that it doesn't give Craig James an erection.
I think he meant easy in relative terms. Like cows are easy compared to an African Lion or something.
No, those lines are nothing at all like how the book is written. In fact, that paragraph is quite tame. The way the book is written is...unique to say the least. Let's just say that the narrator is as much a character as the characters, and that narrator has been up for the past 5 nights blitzed on caffeine, watching…
Alien invasion flick The Darkest Hour, released this morning, is like a bad holiday fruitcake that somebody tried…
What this ignores is that the X-Men aren't traditional superheroes, they aren't crimefighters and for the most part they don't fight the same sorts of enemies or face the same sorts of threats that the average heroes do. Sure, sometimes they save innocent lives or stop typical world threats, but that's secondary to…