Right. IT is “the problem”. Get rid of the guy that got your team to the ECF. The problem is that the other team has LeBron James, so doesn’t matter who your best player is.
Right. IT is “the problem”. Get rid of the guy that got your team to the ECF. The problem is that the other team has LeBron James, so doesn’t matter who your best player is.
The NBA World is a better place when Boston teams are getting wrecked.
A former security guard who worked Chargers games was caught masturbating near Chargers cheerleaders on the…
To be fair, I think there was some doubt on GS’s side for about 2.5 quarters of game 1.
If McMaster had any self-respect he would have resigned after Trump threw him under the bus. Instead, he contradicted himself and continued to play Donald’s lapdog. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Isn’t “too stupid to be malicious” the Reagan defense?
The people who vote for Trump are people who don’t think like a normal person. They’re not happy with their lives and instead of taking accountability for their own position in life, or at least sucking it up and making the best of it like the rest of us, they’re angry and bitter and want to blame somebody for it.
Nah, he was born on third, somehow wandered into deep right field, and insists he hit a home run.
It’s fucking amazing that there are still people with enough faith in this guy that they can’t see he’s just a wannabe autocrat with no attention span or impulse control; they’d rather believe he’s playing some kind of crazy six-dimensional chess that we’re all too dim to understand.
For those keeping track at home,…
Was listening to him speak at the Coast Guard commencement ceremony a few minutes ago and he said this about himself: “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.”
Multiple brain injuries, you say?
Yes sir. There’s about a 100% chance that, in the near future, the President of the United States is, without a shred of evidence, going to accuse a former First Lady of murder and ask why isn’t it being investigated.
Well don’t forget that these are the people that believe Hillary woman that ordered the largest voter fraud operation in American history... in a state that she was definitely going to win regardless.
So, this is basically Fox News saying, “**** it, we’re going full Infowars!” in response to how much marketshare they’re losing to the conservative feverswamps, right?
Honest question: you can get $10 an hour from not working? Please cite your sources.
I LOVE how the only time the GOP whines about the federal debt is when Dems are in power.
Yes but the problem with unregulated capitalism is you eventually run out of a taxable Middle class.
I know you Trumpettes love fake facts, but Trump lose the popular vote, so...less than half.
“more than half of us”
Jon Miller is a treasure and ESPN can get fucked now and always for taking him off Sunday Night Baseball.