Bobby Brady

Roger Federer has one of the least injured histories of top male players over the last few decades.

If someone is buying 5-10 jersey’s of the same team they either have money to burn or little self control.Someone else was gonna scam suckers out of their money for frivilous things if the league’s didn’t. A full grown ass adult in most cases should either own 1 or 0 jersey’s of their favorite team.

This just in all male swimmer’s want men who have torso length that make them look like they are half dolph ineligable for competition. Guess Michael Phelps can no longer compete in the pool.

I don’t think that’s a given, some pretty women couldn’t deal with a partner being hot as them

You do realize Adam Driver was the lead in a Star Wars movie and Allison Williams was the female lead in Get Out. Lena Dunham may be an awful person and deserving of her bipartisan hatred,but her and Kojan saw 2 talented actors and potential stars years before the rest of the world.

I hate ever taken a get off my lawn hot takers side,but this is not only a roster Lebron had a heavy hand in assembling he also forced the Cavs to overpay Thompson so he also has a hand in their cap woes.

Really? I thought all 3 of them use IcyHot

4 years of grabbing pussy,playing golf and catching up on shows you dvr’ed cause your kids are now running your company doesn’t really age a person much. Though it’s possible no longer living in a house with gold coming out of it’s wherever and not flying a gold plane could cause serious depression.

I am disgusted Trump is President but we need to dispell this notion we have the high ground with Garland. If a liberal SCJ had died in Dec2007 or Jan 2008 and Bush appointed an older person in their 60's who had a track record as a Moderate do you really think a Democrat senate majority would have not done the same

Thinking back to 08,Hilary and Barack has a super close heated primary and what does he does? Picks a VP who ideologically lines up with her and makes her Sec Of State to make sure no 2008 equivalent of Gary Johnson/Jill Stein emerges.

Madonna is one of the few people in media who’s teeth appear to be their natural colour,so she considers herself  a minority for not having used creepy teeth whiteners.

Doubles players are not treating it as “shits and giggles” the rest of the year. If someone is a doubles specialist because the pay is so much less then singles really only the top 20 teams or so are making big money. It’s often why so many doubles players switch partners more than Liz Taylor used to switch

Stephen A. Smith would still be selling meat out of the back of a pickup truck in Minneapolis, if it wasn’t for Kevin Durant

This would have never happened if they only sold pretzels.

Rose,Howard,Melo Knicks will go down as one of the most trainwreck entertaining below 40 wins teams of all time

Even a silver or bronze medal would make one of the players from a smaller nations a Hero who is worshipped the rest of their life,something like that for most probably outweights all the ranking points and money short of winning 1 of the 4 Slams. I could see for example why fellow American John Isner skips the

Gotta wonder how many fringe sports that only rich/upper middle class white bro’s in Europe and Usa play will they add before they consider a sport that is the number 1 sport in a country(India) with 1 billion people(cricket).

I honestly wish we got rid of this charade of Amatuer athletics so the football players and basketball players can earn some of the revenue they generate instead of their labor being used to subsidize mostly a bunch of rick kids non revenue generating sports/hobbies which is largely what college

It’s a sad thing because I am sure even in Sudan and other poor countries some guys got Arn Anderson syndrome(IE always looking 40) even when they are 15.

His parents just won’t understand such a stupid injury.