Not trying to make it about me
Not trying to make it about me
He Will Not Divide Us, an anti-Trump performance art project created by Shia Labeouf with the Museum of the Moving…
San Diego Chargers of Los Angeles
Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time…
Jennifer Lopez and Drake’s rumored relationship has been in the tabloids for a couple weeks now (remember last…
Counterpoint: Fuck Curt Schilling with a rusty drill in his bloody ankle hole. Until Bonds and Clemens get in (and even then) Nazi Curt should be left out.
I just wanted to get on top of his toes.
Coug by marriage. Apple Cup will be glorious.
Also, this play beats it.
Have you considered parking legally?
Revis Crater
Well, that was certainly incoherent.
Only a chickenshit would make true statements about facts.
You sound butthurt. 37-32.
Graham is a supreme douchelord. Not sure anyone should care what he thinks, especially after he admitted to stealing signs last year and Leach trolled him about it.
I doubt Graham would have said anything if his team would have won. Sour grapes must grown in hills of AZ...
That’s the truly puzzling part of all of this. The NFL could very easily just take a position that they aren’t going to punish any criminal behavior by their employees at all. Instead they could just say “hey, he served his sentence / was cleared by the courts, if you are upset about the leniency, take it up with the…
You know, we could save a lot of strain on the criminal court system if we just let employers adjudicate all alleged criminal activity on the part of their employees.