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    they have lots of tech

    the game is prob gonna be like 2 bucks u arent forced to buy it also prob not a rental

    not confirmed dude

    casual gaming? the switch is for all gamers and has mostly hardcore games

    well it costs money and nintendo makes everything worth the price

    specs isnt important it makes developers lazy

    they don’t shoot for the bottom? they always to te maximum specs mean nothing and even if Nintendo did all that ppl would hate them still cuz it would be a ps4 clone that has no purpose cuz ppl have a ps4 Nintendo brings new things they don’t need help with anything cuz specs don’t matter

    they do called research

    theyve never had a questionable decision they havent murdered anyone and stop being hypocrites when nintendo plays it safe you say they arent taking risks when they do u say they are making questionable decisions

    the past doesnt dictate the future and again nintendo heard the complaints which is why its paid

    it also makes you look like a sensitive ass pussy that gets mad at everything like the starbucks cup fiasco

    you arent supposed to show everything you are supposed to let consumers discover things themselves and leave things for e3

    you cant assume it sounds stupid if it has never been done

    it was garbage cuz nintendo cared more about local play then online now they accepted it and listened to criticism

    that means they have confidence the games are almost done cuz both are year ones

    we didnt know about 1 2 switch and hd rumble

    • Skylanders Imaginators

    itll prob be a timed download like the game is free for a month and if u miss it u gotta buy it

    has more tech then those xb1 and ps4 doesnt have nfc hd rumble and other things

    you can invite through console too just chatting is through phone also phones are future also cant be nad if nvr been done