
I am a teacher and I have to remember A LOT of names every new school year (this year I am lucky: it's only 150). To be honest I just gave up on the polite stuff ... I tell each class that I have hundreds of names to learn, that it will take a while, and that I sometimes pronounce unconventional names wrong because I

While I am on all three networks I really have a strong feeling that "going out" will be the new "logging in". The more digital "friends" I have the less I want to interact with them. I rather hang out go out with my analog friends.

You're right! Try the simple "Restore everything" option in Titanium when for example migrating from Sense to Cyanogen and you'll not only won't be able to find your data but will definitely have to reflash the ROM. I never managed to restore my Sense texts on CM with Titanium so I had to use MyBackup Pro, too. MyBack

Absolutely right! You should also try to avoid food with sugar and especially with flavors or colorant. I mean it doesn't have to be organic or something but try to keep the chemicals out of it. Rule of thumb: the more colorful the food the less healthy the ingredients. Especially dry food seems to come in almost

You're gross and I hereby vote for a ban or at least the deletion of your post.

I really love cats but I totally get it that some people don't.

A vet also said to me that it is recommended to keep a cat indoors for a few weeks at a new home. Cats need quite a while to adopt a new location as their home and may try to get back to the old house. This is especially dangerous if you didn't move to far so they could actually find a way back. Over here in Germany

Yes, I know the problem but is it really that much? I had major issues with a single custom Sense ROM but to be honest the setup was pretty exotic so problems weren't totally unexpexted (Sense installed on a CM7r2 HBOOT using a lot of custom App2SD - not the best idea). With any other ROM I had no problems at all.

What you mean is called a Nandroid backup and you don't need ROM Manager for it. Just boot into Recovery and select Nandroid. And yes, it is maybe the most fail-safe backup solution on Android (but requires a reboot everytime and is all in all more work than Titanium).

They've got a quite impressive collection of NSFW pictures over there. Maybe you shouldn't follow the link while the boss is around. But otherwise it maybe worth a closer look ;-).

If only OneNote had an Android client ... but since it doesn't I'll keep on searching. Catch is quite alright until then. Simple and multi-platform.

Thank you for that last sentence! Oh how I hate those guys that are "so important"(TM) that they can't turn off their f***ing phones for a while. Or those who think those safety instructions are too mainstream for them to watch. Maybe you've seen them a hundred times but they could have changed this time. It's amazing

Seems like a great extension but quite a few user reviews state that the extension posts spam messages in your stream / on your wall. So I'll stay with [] for now.

It's a German brand so maybe you won't be able to buy it elsewhere but here's the name anyway: SF+ Contact Silver Plus. We bought it at Concord (which you could find in Germany, Austria and Switzerland). The link to the product description (in German): []

Best thing I did for sleeping better: buy a new bed with seperate mattresses for me and my wife. We had a 100€ mattress (1.40m x 2.00m), a 35€ slatted frame, and a 100€ Malm Ikea bed - I slept quite alright but never really good and I often woke up several times a night. Also my wife often woke up when I turned around

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True true! But in a tight schedule it can also be a waste of time. I tend to DIY way too much - I think it's procrastination.

I also do this the other way round. Whenever I think "I could easily make/do/code/build that myself" I calculate how much time I would use on it and how much money I would earn if I worked instead (don't cheat! Also add the time to learn certain techniques required for the task). Most of the time buying the thing is

I use proXPN [] for that. Works quite alright but you may experience some lagging. But it's still watchable.

Send me your email via private message and I'll invite you.