
Here's the link to the free version on AppBrain for those with Fast Web Installer (and everybody else, too, of course): []

I don't believe that they really list what they know. I have an Android phone, use Gmail as my main email account and browse the internet quite often with Chrome, not to speak of Google as my search engine of choice ... and all they got is my wife and nothing else? No way.

Ha, the only contact (or data in general) shown is my wife. I use Gmail, an Android phone, Chrome - and that is all they got? No way.

I had to migrate a Google Analytics account once. It is pretty simple although officially you can't do it (says the help entry). You just have to add the new account as an adminstrator and then kick out the old one. Worked flawless for me.

@maddencorner: You're right about GV but as I am outside the US I don't have it (sometimes it makes me wanna cry a little ...). So I have to stay with blocking. But as cold calls from telemarketers are illegal here and fined quite hard I don't get that many unwanted calls anyway.

@drilon: Yeah, I know the status feature but it doesn't work for me.

@drilon: sadly, the long press doesn't work in Gmail though (at least not on my Desire).

@maddencorner: The program is mentioned here: [] . Create a new rule (I think for "Event" - "Phone" - "Phone ringing") and insert a new task Phone" - "Call Block". In the options dialog popping up you can enter a phone number (optional). You will have to create a task for every number.

So the Q Os is actually Android? And it runs on a Q Pad which is actually an iPad? Sign me up for one of those!

@pranthin8or: Their logo is a dragonfly and you swipe across the screen just touching it here and there slightly like a dragonfly touches the water ... I think.

You could even get yourself the Nexus One launcher2.apk. Here's a link to it (and a few N1 apps): [] - the site is originally in german so I already sent it through Google Translate. Sorry for the bad English there anyway.

@MrCrispy: It simply replaces the Sense Launcher with the vanilla one. Sense is integrated way to deep into the system to really get rid of it without flashing a new ROM. So you will still keep all the goodies like contact integration.

@Jon Pearson: +1 for QuickDesk from me, too. Great solution for free.

@whyisitso: I really don't know. I got mine from the market. But here [] is the official site of the app with a download link. Maybe that one works.

@jakemiles: Yes, and I will promote it for you. Does this risk my star!?!?

@cormack: "better" is hard to say. SLCDs need more power which is bad because those phones already last only 1 1/2 days on one load. Also the colors are less strong and contrasts aren't as good. On the other hand are AMOLED screens really hard to read in sunlight while SLCDs are quite ok. So you decide if it's better

Side note: If you think your default SMS app is quite ok (I actually like the Sense version) but you want to have those nifty popup notifications a la iPhone/ChompSMS get SMS Popup [] - great, free app! I use it ever since my first day on Android.

I use HostsMan for quite a long time now. Worked great on XP and continues to do so on 7. I use the [] hosts file for filtering which gives you a pretty perfect config to start with (sometimes it blockes a bit too much). Most of the time I don't start the program at all - only to update the hosts file

@desertdenzien: Opera does. You can configure it to show tabs on the bottom. Also TabMixPlus for FF has the option. I've always placed my tabs on the bottom so it's Win Superbar and right above of it the tabs - all window switching options in one place on the screen.

@Stu4: I've seen it here [] but as far as I understand it it's no real root as I won't get NAND access. So I won't be able to uninstall Footprints and Stocks, right?