
I’m sorry that everyone seems to be having a hard time understanding what you’re saying.

I stopped reading when you used the phrase ‘cager’ as part of your tirade.

Do you think it's also because he's male? He made the statement that he wouldn't have received the same backlash if he were female. I think it also doesn't help that he kinda sucks as a human...

MTE. Perez might be an awful person/misogynist, but he’s been getting pedophile-shit about his son for a long time now.

Ok, not a Perez Hilton fan but have to leap to his defence here. Any parent of young kids knows that they see you naked constantly. In the morning my bathroom is like a rave in Ibiza (only not fun), we’re all running around naked trying to get ready. Any accusations of Hilton being a pedophile for showering with his

I bet it’s done by people that hate Perez Hilton. I wouldn’t have went that route though.

Perez Hilton is a horrible person and I hope karma catches up with him someday, but this is just bullshit and I have little doubt it’s being spread by people who want to perpetuate the disgusting myth that homosexuals are pedophiles.

He also gave speeches railing against the idea that a millionaire could have a lower tax rate than a bus driver. Today’s party would cheer at the thought of such a thing, because the millionaire is a “maker” and the bus driver is a “taker”.

I don’t think you know what communism or socialism actually mean. Sanders is, truly, party to neither of those ideas in full. Further, what does the qualifier “boring” have to do with the noun “liar?” Would you rather an exciting or entertaining liar who wages a global war and robs its constituency blind?

Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it!

What Caitlin Goldblatt has omitted from her narrative are three key points:

1) The “well-appointed” elementary school that was slated for closure, Langston Hughes, was hardly closed by the Baltimore City School Board - a mixed-race group chaired by a black man - due to

Battery. People, please learn the distinction.

I used the M570 and can confirm that it is the best mouse available ever forever.

I used the M570 and can confirm that it is the best mouse available ever forever.

can’t recommend enough. been a trackball user since the late 90’s.

can’t recommend enough. been a trackball user since the late 90’s.

how can you say that?!? did you watch Sony’s event?! It was magically man! Built completely on once-dead dreams and promises. They even had a game called Dreams! And what did MS show huh?!? games with actual release dates? new working technology? backwards compatibility? Lame. E3 is all about making big promises now

Then what compelled you to click the link, find a video, and comment

evidently, you had no party to go to last night, and unfortunately, will have even less in the future.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

AAHRIGHT BOYS, LET'S GO AHHREST THAT DAHHK- Oh, carry on, sir. Our mistake. Enjoy your evening.

Ask a Brit to say "Aluminum Jaguar Hyundai". That's something special right there