
Yeah but the federal reserve could just say that as 1967 bills get deposited into banks, remove them from circulation and return them to the fed. Just phase out older bills. Eventually there won't be any left, and then using one would raise a red flag.

Canada's are all the same size.

I'm really glad they got rid of the month-view "calendar rip-off" in Calendar in 10.8. It took so long to flip through a few months. But now that makes the little rip-off shards make less sense. Especially since I'm the type of person who would carefully get rid of those when I flipped my calendar back in the day.

Not enough eagle.

Paramedics are trained to do emergency tracheostomies. Most agencies have it as a standing protocol but require medical direction from a doctor for permission. I don't know who was at this thing but if it was performed, it was performed by somebody who knew it.

Mine had that "plane in a cave" game. Or something.

I just click it and it goes away.

I hate FedEx Field. Hate going there, hate leaving there, hate it.

Probably to reflect the sun's radiation so it doesn't heat the camera and insulate it. Black would absorb heat. I read somewhere the bright side of the space station gets to about 250 degrees F. It's also probably insulated to keep it from getting too cold, since the other side of the space station is around -250

I set them up as CalDAV accounts, which gives me a different "calendar group" in for each Google calendar (7 calendars). This seems to be the best option right now, even if it is cluttered and not exactly the solution I've been using. If I can get them to sync between my Mac and Google, that's the ideal

This would be pretty cool to use, but since Spanning Sync ceased working for me yesterday, I'm stuck trying to get all my calendars figured out. Suggestions for the best way to keep them on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, and also in Google?

But with iOS, you know what you're not getting, but you know when you're going to (not) get it. I've had Android updates remove features I'd already had. That, and updates were promised but never arrived. It's a crapshoot. Hopefully it improves. I'm just glad there's a better crop of phones now.

I can't play THE ENTERTAINER anymore with the bass way up while driving around my hood?!

Because when I joined Facebook there were like only 40 other schools and it was a good way for friends in my classes to get my contact info.


I don't like the green URL bar for both its colour and how it hides and appears randomly but otherwise this is a great update.

I knew I'd seen that picture before...

Steel roller coasters and wooden roller coasters are like Pepsi and Jägerbombs laced with M80s.

I always turn my phone off in a movie theatre. I actually really love being disconnected. I had a girlfriend who had to always check her phone and respond to texts. I got her to put it down and once I even asked her if I could hold it and turned it off. We had a much better experience with the movie. I also don't

And other moviegoers will silently thank you, and other potential phonecheckers will be dissuaded.