
Not paint, reflective tape. And at night, a light would reflect.

I don't like how everyone is focusing on the act of opening the door. How about at night and that the door is already opened? Maybe I'm trying to get something out of my driver's seat on a not-busy road and a car/truck/bicycle/segway/dog-and-red wagon comes down the road, not paying much attention because there's

Acer, Amazon, Apple.

I thought dolphins stayed in the water...

"This idea might take thousands of lives by being blinded by a flashing yellow light at eye-level."

Purple is funerals. Might be fitting enough.

But does it work outside the US or is it one of those IP-restricted things?

Please remove me from this mailing list.

My mother still "tapes" shows on her DVR.

-"Hello? Hey buddy I need toilet paper!"

How do the screen images look? Any distortion or anything?

PS Thanks for the heads up on KeePass, I didn't know that existed. I'm checking it out now.

Using another's iPad or tablet? Company/Government computer doesn't allow USB storage hooked up? There are scenarios. I'm not saying I have this problem every day but it's possible. But I'm not advocating for a password-storage solution. Those exist and most do a good job. I'm advocating for a simple, unifying

I think the best solution is a common sign-in (like Disqus or Google sign-in in a way) so that if my password is cracked, I can change it once and it changes around the 40 or 50 sites I frequent.

This is exactly the problem. I have nothing else to add other than I agree with you.

Did anybody else look at the image and think "Dummy put the dollar sign in the number field and now it'll return an error" or was it just me?

OH WOW. I switched it over to Map view from default Satellite+Labels view and saw what you were talking about.

Only in search results on Google. In Maps, it'll just show you the centre of the place you're searching.

Theoretically it would solve traffic. Self-driving cars don't create backups and would be less prone to hitting other things.

I really like Picnik. Real quick image editing, works with Facebook ok. Hopefully they can integrate it elsewhere.