Is a federal law mandating the payment of state sales taxes for interstate goods a Constitutional issue? This just seems like a legal nightmare.
Is a federal law mandating the payment of state sales taxes for interstate goods a Constitutional issue? This just seems like a legal nightmare.
So I wouldn't be able to take a picture of my friends and myself at a concert? A video of something awesome because there's an IR transmitter behind the person?
I tried logging in online (I've been trying to for days) since I haven't been able to use my PS3 for a while, and I keep getting
If you're going to bitch about QWERTY, switch to DVORAK and quit complaining.
NOTHING annoys me more than when people screw up things like "Café" (French and Italian: café, French: coffee) and "Caffè" (Italian: coffee) with accents or assuming they're the same. Also "Lattè"...I want to deface every McDonalds sign I see.
But there's a difference between touching doorhandles and being in a crowded place, and thousands of people "sneezing" constantly and simultaneously. I agree a that a little germs aren't bad, but sometimes things are just too bad.
iPad+headphones and a crossword puzzle book. Maybe not even a book, just the day's.
You never know...when it's a crazy train.
I did some digging and figured it out: I'm a Pro 50 user so I get double the referral to begin with. I did not know that was a perk.
Depends. If it's people I work with on the same level as me or my limited supervisors, I will forego a greeting. Work people under me get a salutation "Hello everyone", "Good morning/afternoon/evening", etc. Friends usually get a "Hey".
Did not know about the school email, but I just linked and got this:
I still don't think it's that big of a deal. Neither my home or either place I work are shown on the map, the nearest point to my home is about 500m away.
I get only a few hours each week to enjoy my time (two jobs and a volunteer firefighter) so if that means Xbox/30 Rock/Simpsons/etc, then you can bet I'm going to enjoy it.
Isn't "suicide" more of a psychological risk, not a medical risk. It's not like I contract suicide.
A motion sensor would make it awesome. Feet go down, lights come on.