"Herewith, a tour of some of the things that reportedly contribute to ED..."
"Herewith, a tour of some of the things that reportedly contribute to ED..."
"Herewith, a tour of some of the things that reportedly contribute to ED..."
"Herewith, a tour of some of the things that reportedly contribute to ED..."
"Herewith, a tour of some of the things that reportedly contribute to ED..."
I'd love to post this (and many other Gawker family articles) to my Facebook page, but due to the new site redesign, Facebook won't render the link correctly. And because Facebook now also forces a link to be a little snippet or whatever, I can't JUST post a link. So...there's at least two views you won't be getting.
My Asus notebook has a 16x10 screen (as opposed to a 16x9 screen on most laptops), so the overall depth is smaller. As a result, the trackpad is significantly reduced and feels so small. Imagine my surprise, though, when I figured out that there is no scroll bar, but a two-finger scroll like on a MacBook. I like…
My Droid hangs, won't respond at times, and even crashes once or twice. iPad hasn't once ever and I've had the thing only 2 months less than Droid.
I like my Droid phone, as I've previously said on Gizmodo...but with all the crap they keep putting in it (MotoBlur, skins, crapware), it's just another push to an iPhone. Say what you will, but quality hardware and software with consistent updates and no BS sure beats being suck with Android 1.6 or something.
Happy birthday to one lucky California teenager.
Droid was a good buy, but looking at the next UI on the Droid 2 (MotoBlur) makes me cringe and could very well push me to an iPhone when I can upgrade in October.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Seems simple enough: "Buy this thing, plug it in, choose the network on my computer with the strongest bars, look up pictures of cats! Done!"
The "Verizon" iPhone in the picture is AT&T's. Realism fail.
@gizmodocon: I live within the iUniverse so I don't usually come across this problem, but it's a file format one. AAC files aren't supported by many players. However, burning a song to a CD and ripping it back to the computer as an MP3 is a good enough workaround for those times I need an MP3 version.
Coming soon all around you: REAL LIFE....in 3D.
@MPD01605: STB, not STP. Spelling fail.
"Comcast Internet TV STP: Watch internet videos* and browse social networks** on your TV and share with your friends***!
@lostarchitect: And I'm in an area without mobile service. Or an airplane.
@Chinedu Opara: I mean, to each his own. My Garmin sits in my car (unreliability of data connection and all), but I drive an ambulance and Google Maps is great for that because it's probably the most up-to-date map on any navigation device and I can program it while walking to the unit. So an offline mode is nice…
@SEDAGIVE?!: Agreed on the GPS. My Droid 1 has a GPS issue maybe once a month, and I use it probably every day. No big deal; the maps are great and location is very accurate. In fact, I find the Maps and Navigator is probably the one big thing that would keep me from switching to a Verizon iPhone.