Bobbi Bee Burner

Thank you. I wrote nine more paragraphs but deleted them. Thank you.

Yeah, you might sound like a monster to people who haven’t experienced this kind of shit from family.

Also, I don’t know if it applies on the coast but in the Fairbanks area the mosquitos are pleantiful. There were suveniers calling mosquitos the Alaska state bird.

You are allowed to decide to go off Phentermine! For one thing, it’s basically speed, so it’s doing some wild things to your body. For another, generally with things like phentermine, much or all of the weight comes back when you go off and have an appetite again and aren’t running around hyper.

Wish me luck Jezzies. I’m freaking out, my BP is 196/106, I’m almost 37 weeks pregnant (first kiddo), and on my way to the hospital. This is my fifth trip to L and D this pregnancy due to complications and I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday. I just want them to take her tonight. This back and forth and

Sorry I haven’t been around as much. I was having tech issues with kinja. I finally fixed them. I have been going through something. On Christmas Day, I had to have emergency surgery to have my appendix removed. It happened so fast.

Hope he gets re-employed at a less shitty place ASAP!

The workplace where I was the MOST sexually harassed was the only one where we had to watch a sexual harassment video. It was a huge fucking joke to everyone.

He brought stripper trousers. And he fell over. I kind of love him.

I don’t think that there is any attempt at an “equation” here.

I usually hate streakers, I’m pretty sure I’ve bitched about this guy before. But I’m okay with this.

Does...he not know exactly how many daughters he has?

A play is certainly a good idea about this subject matter! Except not from this guy or any white guy in entertainment.

1. Harry.

I want to hear from stadium snack vendor in the episode where they go to the Yankee game whose breakup advice was “Change your name, change your job, change your phone number–they’re all bums.”

Bunny. I would love to hear the character’s boozy WASP take on this hot mess.

As a huge admirer of black women with closely cropped hair ever since I first saw Josette Simon in Blake’s 7 about 35 years ago, I can’t wait for all of the new looks that they’re going to inspire.

Steve Jobs truly did not give a shit about anything - well, other than himself, that is. After all, this is the man who tricked Steve Woz into spending days building an optimized arcade game using as few circuits as possible to maximize the reward, then ripped his friend off for the vast majority of said reward, to

CBS This morning 2 days ago: