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    It was Indiana, in 1897, and they tried to set it to 3.2. As far as I can tell any other version of that story is an urban myth. Always check your facts when calling others stupid.

    That screenshot doesn’t look like a bed that anyone had sex in, or even slept in.

    That's fair

    I had the same journey but I think the problem is the opposite - bigots do understand irony really well, and they like to use it as cover, to pretend they’re being ironic instead of bigoted. So if you’re a target of bigotry, you can’t really know if someone is being ironic or bigoted, but the latter is always a

    What about a gun that shoots swords?  Could they do that in the future?

    The Starfield timeline is canon for human history. We must not question or deviate from it.

    Sir, this is a Wild Cards excerpt

    This is the way.

    You don’t have to buy one if you don’t want to

    They should make one with a touchscreen

    For a show that no one likes it sure does seem to generate a lot of column inches.

    It sounds like that is what he was actually saying, and Jezebel just quoted him out of context.

    I don’t think that’s true at all, notwithstanding the article - mods add value to a game and monetizing them incentivizes people to do that. Bethesda famously tried to let people monetize mods a few years ago and had to back down because players didn’t want to pay for people’s work that they were previously getting

    How do you feel about people who write plugins for commercial products, such as the people who write Visual Assist? Are they leeching off Microsoft, should they release their plugin for free instead of charging for it?

    Interesting point but it would depend on the licensing agreement.

    Not if it makes less than 100k usd though.

    The difference is, if someone makes a mod of a game, people still have to buy the game in order to play the mod. So it’s as if, as a musician, someone remixes your album but in order to listen to the remix, people have to buy your album too. I think most musicians would find that acceptable.

    There is no such thing as a standalone product in software.

    A modding ecosystem adds value to a game meaning more people will buy it, some mod commercialization models gave the developer a cut, and ultimately the modder bought the game themselves, so no, actually, the game developer benefits in numerous ways from the use of their. Also Unity is free if you make under 100,000