
How does Gene know an upholsterer on Cape Cod? Is that his albino friend? (sorry, I didn't mean to up-sell my own comment. Just a mistake)

The Dead Milkmen also have a song called "If You Love Something, Set it on Fire," but this one is better!

Yeah, that killed me!

Did I see a picture of Tabitha Johanson on the wall of the Ear Drum?

There's something inherently funny about the proprietors of a holistic health store ripping out the copper wiring in the walls…

I'm barely old enough to remember the very first SNL shows (back when they had to call it "Saturday Night," because of Howard Cosell's lame show, and though I was quite a young pup back in 1975 (just 10 years old), I certainly remember how TV was like around that time, and you have to factor that in to any evaluation

Herb Welch lives again!!

I liked the call-back to Herb Welch in the Bayer/McKinnen sketch on WU. Of course Bill Hader is the master, but it's nice to see it can be passed along, at least in small doses.

Yeah, I'm not sure about the thyme, either, unless it's ground up and somehow mixed in with the beef. I like my fried eggs very runny, so I can certainly imagine that.

Somebody attempted to make the "Good Morning Burger" from Simpsons S03E23 with a hamburger patty soaked in butter, topped with bacon, ham and a fried egg. The guy said it all tasted pretty good together.…

He told Bob he was having a horrible time (and that his mother doesn't respect herself).

Another shout out to the animators for their keen sense of detail. I particularly liked how Fishoeder's office vibrated while the roller coaster outside rumbled through. Subtle, but beautifully done.

Those little incidental jokes (like the names of businesses and other signs) can take hours to come up with. Not that it's a direct comparison, but in the writers' commentaries from the Simpsons DVDs, the writers all agree that the blackboard gags and the clever little signs that pop up everywhere take an enormous

Teddy's life is shockingly empty. It's sort of a wonder he and Gayle never got together.

me, too…darn it!

Definitely "Art Crawl" Step into the butt closet!

Martin Prince: "I'm not ANYTHING yet!

I hope that at least we'll get to see some new BB's during the summer after everyone else is off for the season. If they ordered 23 episodes, they have to put them somewhere, right?

It looks like Courtney's hip-hop lessons are really paying off!

I agree: didn't really notice a huge change in the show from before the hiatus. It seems they knew early on that Uncle Deadly was golden, and so too for Pepe and Rizzo. They are guaranteed laughs every time they appear.