
I so agree.

This is actually a large part of the reason Republicans oppose early voting efforts. Republicans tend to have the type of jobs that allow them to take time off to vote (or attend rallies) whereas the Democratic base, with a less affluent working core, often doesn’t have that luxury. If you minimize alternative times

Oh for fuck’s sake. Prosecutors don’t look for truth, they look for convictions.

Well, they do say there is no better stepping stone to the US Presidency than being Precinct 2's Town Meeting representative for the Town of Lexington, MA

The Green Party will get less than 1% full stop. The phenomenon of elevated polling numbers for third party candidates relative to actual election results is really, really well established.

Then you are part of the problem. Here's your cookie.

I believe that asking questions is part of our responsibility as scientists. And as physicians, we always need to be asking those questions.

Bakara is the fucking worst. I can NOT believe I even briefly thought about voting for these pieces of shit. They can both join Trump in hell, as far as I’m concerned. I look forward to watching Stein get .0001% of the vote.

In a way she’s worse than anti-vaxers. They genuinely believe vaccines are bad. Jill Stein knows that’s bollocks but still tries to make it seem like there’s still a debate so she encourages anti-science BS just to get votes.

Joke’s on her, because if the anti-vax message boards I hate-read are any sort of representation of the larger movement, the anti-vax crowd wasn’t buying her nonsense anyway. They never believed she was really anti-vax. They’re all voting for Donald Trump, by the way.

Even if she isn’t she was still trying to appeal to people who are by trying to take a neutral shrug idk who can never be sure stance to try and garner support. What blows my mind is that the small pool of Sanders supporters who were/are talking about voting for her crow incessantly about how badly HRC panders.

Spineless or stupid, Jill, pick a petard and hoist thyself.

The Rio pool crew is reading this and is like, “Hey, just be glad the water’s not fucking green.”

Yeah, and I think that is the mindset that she’s yelling at here, not a general attack at Bernie supporters, which some people are complaining about. I know most Bernie supporters are standing with Hillary now and that is great, but this is also a terrifying election and the Bernie supporters who are being

This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

No. It was Ralph Nader supporters and their “There is no difference between Bush and Gore!!” whining that pushed the election to Bush.

When Roy Cohn calls you callous you need to invest in a whole body PedEgg.

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before: