
Sorry, Dave Foley was a core member of Kids in the Hall. Anything after that is a step down, no matter how good it is.

Dude, you made a mistake and it was pointed out to you politely. There is no nedd to be this salty about it. That kinda snark is unprofessional. 

They aren’t out of line, though. Low bar as it may be, expecting a writer on this site to A) Know which character John Cena is playing, given how hyped it’s been. and B) Not being blasé when politely reminded.

Honest question, why did the editors give you this assignment when you clearly don’t care about the media property in question?

The horse I have in this race is myself. That’s the only horse that matters. If someone is offering an inferior product to me, I’m not going to spend money on it. Quality is important. If all you want is to launch your game, buy from GOG, you don’t even need a launcher through them and their games are DRM free, with

You really don’t understand how these storefronts work, do you? You’re the commodity they are selling to publishers. You don’t pay a cent, the publishers do. The features are the cost of that access. Epic is trying to force their way towards having a larger pool of customers to sell to publishers by getting those


I’m so burnt out with the looter shooter genre. They all follow the trend of:

The development roadmap still exists, they just no longer put how long it will be until those features are implemented.

Man even when there hasn’t been any recent review bombs or harassment you guys still manage to write an article about it.  How about an article about how Epic has abandoned their Epic store development roadmap?  Seems like news to me that the company throwing millions at exclusives cant seem to get even the most basic

no one is buying out exclusivity. its merely renting it.

Nope. They’re all alive, but very, very fucked up by the end of the fight and you kind of feel like that’s almost worst?

Also, why is it wrong for fans to be pissed off at this casting decision. . . yet perfectly accepable to be pissed off when Scarlett Johansson was - very tastelessly - cast in Ghost in The Shell? Or when they were going to set Akira in the US, essentially making the entire cast white.

It’s exactly the same. If the

There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

Conversely, as the star of Netflix’s Luke Cage, he’s portraying one of the least sexy people in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Right? Isn’t it Ciri who escapes the wild hunt from Skellige through the portal, and eventually ends up in crookback bog? I was confused there too but thought I just forgot something.

I love Luke and I love Claire, but for some reason their pairing always seemed off to me (maybe because she declined a relationship with Matt because of his vigilantism yet had no problem with Luke’s until he went too far). I always thought he and Jessica or he and Misty were a better match.

Why doesn’t he just shoot her in the head. Why doesn’t the staff just goto the Forge and copy the encrypted database first. Isn’t that the important thing. They can always find the encryption key afterward. The size of an encrypted database is the same as an unencrypted one. So why take the risk. The whole season was

Awesome explanation, because that was driving me nuts.

...I was under the impression that this was the one path in which they won.