
Adding a character voice to a first person game is a real boneheaded move, and Fallout 4's moving the camera outward for shot reverse shot conversations only compounded how bad things had gotten by showing off even more dead eyed character models per conversation.

Gengar has always seemed like a boring blob to me. Haunter is definitely cooler. Sadly middle stages are often overlooked.

No, you’re absolutely right. I would argue even Gastly is better than Gengar.

This is the exact opposite take from what I’ve read every single player complaining about. It seems this patch is actually designed to DRASTICALLY slow down the game. If you slow down the game, then you are increasing the grind. 

Yeah, go look on reddit or the official forums and see all the people talking about how the patch ‘reduces grind’.....

Hopefully it’s not voiced acted. That was a huge resource hog which made the dialogue in Fallout 4 way worse than NV or 3.

Is that proof of hacking?  Or proof it was an inside job and someone on his team sold him out to Bungie?  Either way, I couldn’t care less, and I doubt a jury would either.

it’s really difficult to even care, or worry about the ethical ramifications when something happens to people who make everything worse for literally everyone else.  Did bungie do it? if they did good. They got what they deserved.

Watched a trailer and it looked janky as hell. I immediately knew what the problems were before reading the article, it's so obvious just from the trailer. I can't believe they would release it without giving it just a tad more polish, but I'll still play. Hopefully the pros outweigh the cons as this review suggests.

Another piece of shit offers up his shitty, truthless turd to people who, unlike himself, have real lives, loves, work and joy.

You are wrong two days in a row. Nice work.

The murder rate in NYC is 5.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The murder rate for the entire state of Florida is 5.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. 5.5 < 5.9

Reading through all this and the quotes I’m somewhat confused as to the order of events as it’s seemingly reading like:
- It was a reasonable place to work
- Microsoft bought it and left the old manner of working in place thinking “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
- CEO who got paid stopped giving a shit and brought in a

the worst part is that if you catch Covid while at the theater you’ll never get to smell what the Rock is cooking

 Oh Heil no. That isn’t her real last name is it??

In an alternate timeline, Epic never created Fortnite and instead focused development on Paragon, Bulletstorm 2 and Unreal Tournament 4. These games were all moderately successful. However, the lack of crazy Fortnite revenue meant that Epic couldn’t afford to spend millions on exclusivity deals for EGS, resulting in a

I liked Finn too. I just thought that he needs more time practicing martial arts. The whole “emotionally stunted manchild” thing kind of fits considering the characters back story. 

Finn showed that he can actually do the job pretty well if you see his crossover in Luke Cage, and season 2 wasn’t nearly as bad as season 1. It’s honestly not his fault that Netflix decided the character is a dumbass, and that they only gave him a fraction of the resources to prep for the role that Cox got so they

A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.

oh noes she failed an impossible purity test, we’d better eat her